A senior woman rubs her neck in front of the computer because of neck pain.

Chiropractic Care for 7 Types of Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common complaint among adults, often attributed to our modern lifestyles that include long hours in front of screens, poor posture, and stress. But not all neck pain is the same, and understanding the types and causes is crucial for effective treatment. Chiropractic care has emerged as a popular and effective treatment option to address various types of neck pain and other issues with the musculoskeletal system. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different types of neck pain and how chiropractic care can provide pain relief and promote long-term neck health.

Understanding Neck Pain: Types and Causes

Man rubbing neck pain after a car accident with two crashed vehicles in the background.

The neck, or cervical spine, is a complex structure of bones, muscles, nerves, and joints. It supports the weight of your head and allows for a wide range of motion. However, this flexibility makes it susceptible to injury and pain. Here are some common types of neck pain:

  1. Muscle Strain and Tension: Often caused by activities like prolonged sitting, poor posture, or sleeping in an awkward position. Symptoms include a stiff neck, soreness and muscle spasms.
  2. Whiplash: A type of neck injury resulting from a rapid forward and backward motion, commonly occurring in car accidents. Whiplash can cause chronic neck pain and stiffness.
  3. Cervical Spondylosis: Age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in your neck. It’s characterized by chronic pain and can lead to decreased flexibility.
  4. Cervical Disk Degeneration: As you age, the cushioning disks between your vertebrae can wear down, leading to pain and neck stiffness.
  5. Nerve Compression: Herniated disks or bone spurs in the vertebrae of your neck can press on the nerves branching out from the spinal cord, causing pain.
  6. Injuries: Accidents and falls can cause neck injuries leading to pain.
  7. Referred Pain: Sometimes, neck pain is a symptom of a condition elsewhere in the body, such as heart attack or meningitis, although this is less common.

Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain

Bend chiropractor Bari Liebowitz using the graston technique on the neck of a patient for neck pain.

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to treating neck pain. It involves manual manipulation of the spine by a trained professional, known as a chiropractor. The goal is to improve spinal alignment, which can alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall health. Here’s how chiropractic care can benefit different types of neck pain:

  1. Relief from Muscle Strain and Tension: Chiropractors use techniques like spinal manipulation and mobilization to release muscle tension. This improves blood flow and nerve function, thereby reducing pain and stiffness.
  2. Treatment for Whiplash: Chiropractic adjustments can restore movement lost after a whiplash injury. The treatment plan might include exercises to strengthen muscles, improve posture, and restore normal movement.
  3. Managing Cervical Spondylosis: While chiropractic care cannot reverse the effects of spinal problems like spondylosis, it can help manage symptoms. Adjustments and mobilization techniques can help maintain flexibility and reduce discomfort.
  4. Addressing Cervical Disk Degeneration: Through specific chiropractic techniques, pressure on the nerves caused by disk degeneration can be alleviated, reducing pain and improving function.
  5. Nerve Compression Relief: Chiropractic adjustments can help to realign the spinal column and relieve pressure on the nerves, reducing the pain and discomfort associated with nerve compression.
  6. Injury Recovery: For injuries causing neck pain, chiropractors can create a customized treatment plan that may include spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and exercises to strengthen and stabilize the neck.
  7. Holistic Approach: Chiropractic care often includes lifestyle and ergonomic advice to help patients maintain proper neck posture and prevent future neck pain.

The Chiropractic Treatment Process

A visit to a chiropractor typically involves:

  1. Initial Assessment: Your chiropractor will conduct a thorough evaluation, including your medical history, a physical exam, and possibly imaging tests.
  2. Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment, the chiropractor will develop a personalized treatment plan. This may include spinal adjustments, manual therapies, and other non-invasive techniques.
  3. Spinal Adjustments: The core of chiropractic treatment, these are gentle, controlled forces applied to the spine to improve alignment and function.
  4. Complementary Therapies: Along with adjustments, chiropractors may use other therapies like massage, heat and cold therapy, and stretching exercises.
  5. Lifestyle and Ergonomic Advice: To enhance treatment effectiveness, chiropractors often provide advice on posture, ergonomics, nutrition, and exercises.

Understanding Neck Adjustment

A chiropractor sitting working on the neck of a patient.

Neck adjustment, also known as cervical manipulation, is a procedure in chiropractic care that involves precise movements to the vertebrae in the neck. This technique is used to improve mobility, reduce pain and discomfort, and enhance overall spinal function. In these 350 words, we’ll delve into the details of what a neck adjustment entails, its benefits, and considerations for safety.

The Procedure

A neck adjustment begins with a thorough examination. The chiropractor assesses the patient’s neck for issues like restricted movement, pain points, or misalignments. They may also review the patient’s medical history and conduct or review any necessary imaging tests, such as X-rays.

During the actual adjustment, the patient is usually seated or lying down on their back. The chiropractor uses their hands to apply a controlled, sudden force to a joint in the neck. This force is directed at specific vertebrae to correct alignment, relieve pressure, and improve the function of the nerve. The adjustment often produces a popping or cracking sound, known as cavitation, caused by the release of gas from the joint fluid.

Benefits of Neck Adjustment

The primary benefit of a neck adjustment is the relief of neck pain and stiffness. It can also alleviate headaches, especially those originating from the neck region. Additionally, patients often experience improved mobility, range of motion, and overall physical function.

Safety and Considerations

Neck adjustments are generally considered safe when performed by a trained and licensed chiropractor. However, as with any medical procedure, there are risks involved. The most common side effect is temporary soreness or discomfort in the adjustment area. More serious complications, though rare, can include vertebral artery dissection leading to stroke. Therefore, it is crucial to provide your chiropractor with a complete medical history and discuss any concerns before undergoing a neck adjustment.

Patients with certain medical conditions, such as osteoporosis, spinal cancer, and certain types of arthritis, should avoid neck adjustments. Always consult with a healthcare provider before seeking chiropractic treatment to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your specific condition.

Visit Our Chiropractic Clinic for Neck Pain

Neck pain can be a debilitating condition, but understanding its types and causes is the first step towards finding relief. Chiropractic care offers a viable, non-invasive solution to various kinds of neck pain, emphasizing the body’s natural ability to heal itself. With its holistic approach and focus on individualized care, chiropractic treatment can be an integral part of managing and alleviating neck pain.

If you’re struggling with neck pain, consider consulting with our chiropractor at Total Body Chiropractic in Bend, Oregon. With the right care and lifestyle adjustments, you can enjoy improved neck health and a better quality of life.

An African American woman rubs her neck from neck pain while looking at her phone.

Neck Pain Frequently Asked Questions

Is chiropractic care safe for all types of neck pain?

Chiropractic care is safe for most types of neck pain, but it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional first, especially if you have a serious medical condition.

How many chiropractic sessions are needed to see improvement?

The number of sessions varies depending on the individual and the type of neck pain. Some people experience relief after a few sessions, while others may need ongoing treatment.

Can chiropractic adjustments cause neck pain?

Some people may experience mild soreness or discomfort after a chiropractic adjustment, but this is typically temporary.

Are there exercises I can do at home to complement chiropractic treatment?

Yes, your chiropractor can recommend specific exercises to strengthen neck muscles and improve flexibility.

How can I prevent neck pain in the future?

Maintaining good posture, taking regular breaks from prolonged sitting, staying active, and using ergonomic furniture can help prevent neck pain.

An African American man sits on a basketball court holding his knee from tendonitis pain.

Chiropractic Care for Tendonitis: A Comprehensive Guide to Relieving Pain

Exploring the Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Tendonitis

Tendonitis, a common and painful condition characterized by the inflammation of tendons, can cause significant discomfort and hinder daily activities. While traditional treatments like medication and physical therapy are well-known, chiropractic care emerges as a holistic approach. In this article, we delve into how chiropractic treatment can be a game-changer for those suffering from tendonitis. Tendonitis can affect any tendon, but it’s most commonly observed in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and heels – areas that are often subjected to repetitive motion and stress.

Chiropractic care, with its focus on the body’s musculoskeletal system, is a medication-free and non-invasive technique to treat musculoskeletal disorders. Chiropractors use adjustments and manipulations to relieve pain, improve joint function, and promote healing. This method not only addresses the symptoms of tendonitis but also targets the root cause of the problem.

Understanding Tendonitis: Symptoms and Causes

A woman tennis player holds her elbow from tendonitis pain while on the tennis court.

Tendonitis is a condition marked by the inflammation or irritation of a tendon, the thick fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone. This inflammation can lead to a range of symptoms, varying in intensity depending on the severity and location of the condition. Understanding tendonitis symptoms is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment.

  • Pain: The most common and prominent symptom of tendonitis is pain at the site of the tendon and surrounding area. This pain typically worsens when moving the affected limb or joint. In conditions like tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, for instance, the pain may radiate from the elbow into the forearm and wrist.
  • Swelling: Inflammation of the tendon can lead to visible swelling in the affected area. This swelling may develop gradually or appear soon after a strenuous activity that puts excessive strain on the tendon.
  • Tenderness: The area around the inflamed tendon often becomes tender and sensitive to touch. This tenderness is usually localized to the specific area where the tendon attaches to the bone.
  • Stiffness: People with tendonitis often experience stiffness in the affected area, particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity. This stiffness can limit the range of motion and make it difficult to perform certain movements comfortably.
  • Warmth and Redness: In some cases, the affected area might feel warm to the touch or show signs of redness. This is due to increased blood flow to the area as the body attempts to heal the inflamed tendon.
  • Crepitus: Some individuals may notice a crunchy feeling or sound when moving the affected joint or tendon. This sensation, known as crepitus, results from the tendon rubbing against the surrounding tissue as it moves.
  • Weakness: Chronic tendonitis can lead to weakening of the tendon and the associated muscle. This weakness can manifest as a reduced ability to perform activities that stress the affected tendon, such as lifting objects or climbing stairs in cases of Achilles tendonitis.

It’s important to note that these symptoms can resemble those of other conditions, so accurate diagnosis by a healthcare professional is essential. If left untreated, tendonitis can become a chronic issue, leading to further complications such as tendon rupture. Early intervention with treatments like rest, ice, physical therapy, and in some cases, medications, can effectively manage symptoms and promote healing.

Tendonitis, the inflammation of a tendon, is commonly triggered by repetitive strain and overuse of specific muscles and tendons. This condition can affect various parts of the body, with its causes varying depending on the location and the activities associated with it. Understanding these causes is essential for both prevention and effective treatment.

  • Repetitive Motion: One of the primary causes of tendonitis is repetitive motion, especially in activities that involve the same body parts. This repetition can lead to overuse of certain tendons, causing strain and inflammation. Occupations that require repetitive movements, such as typing or assembly line work, can increase the risk of developing tendonitis. Similarly, athletes or individuals engaging in sports that involve repetitive motions, like tennis, golf, or running, are also susceptible.
  • Age: As people age, tendons become less flexible and more prone to injury. This reduced elasticity increases the likelihood of tendonitis, especially in individuals over the age of 40.
  • Injury or Sudden Increase in Activity: A sudden increase in the intensity or frequency of physical activity can strain the tendons, leading to tendonitis. This is often seen in individuals who suddenly intensify their exercise routines without adequate conditioning.
  • Poor Posture or Technique: Incorrect posture during activities or poor technique in sports can put unnecessary stress on tendons. For instance, improper form while lifting weights or executing sports movements can increase the risk of tendon inflammation.
  • Arthritis and Other Medical Conditions: Certain forms of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis, can cause inflammation of the tendons. Additionally, medical conditions like diabetes or reactions to certain medications can contribute to the development of tendonitis.
  • Physical Stressors: External physical stressors, such as ill-fitting shoes in runners, can lead to tendonitis in the feet or legs. Similarly, using inadequate equipment or tools in sports or at work can contribute to the condition.

Preventing tendonitis involves understanding and mitigating these risk factors. This includes practicing proper technique in physical activities, using ergonomic tools, gradually increasing activity levels, and maintaining overall physical fitness. For those already experiencing symptoms of tendonitis, it’s crucial to address the underlying causes to effectively manage the condition and prevent its recurrence. Early intervention with rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, medical treatment, can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

By understanding the underlying causes and symptoms of tendonitis, chiropractors can tailor their approach to each individual. This personalized treatment plan is crucial for effective relief and long-term recovery.

Types of Tendonitis Conditions Treated by Chiropractic

A male runner kneels on a running path to hold his achilles from tendonitis pain.

Tendonitis, a condition characterized by the inflammation of tendons, manifests in various forms depending on the affected area. The tendons, robust cords of fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones, can become inflamed due to overuse or repetitive stress, leading to pain and discomfort. Among the different types of tendonitis, some of the most common include tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, jumper’s knee, and Achilles tendonitis.

  1. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis): Perhaps the most well-known form, tennis elbow results from overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons, often due to repetitive motions like gripping a tennis racket. However, it’s not limited to athletes – anyone who engages in activities involving repetitive arm and wrist use can develop this condition. Symptoms typically include pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow, which may radiate down the forearm.
  2. Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis): Similar to tennis elbow but affecting the inner side of the elbow, golfer’s elbow arises from overuse of the muscles and tendons used in gripping, twisting, or lifting. While common in golfers, this condition can also affect those who perform repetitive hand motions, such as carpenters or painters.
  3. Jumper’s Knee (Patellar Tendonitis): This type of tendonitis impacts the tendon connecting the kneecap (patella) to the shinbone. It is prevalent among athletes involved in jumping sports, like basketball or volleyball. Symptoms include pain and swelling just below the kneecap.
  4. Achilles Tendonitis: Affecting the Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in the body, this condition is common among runners and athletes. It can result from sudden increases in exercise intensity or duration, poor footwear, or anatomical issues. Symptoms include pain and stiffness along the Achilles tendon, especially in the morning.

Each type of tendonitis has unique characteristics, but they all share common symptoms of chronic pain, tenderness, and sometimes swelling in the affected area. Treatment typically involves rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), physical therapy, and in some cases, anti-inflammatory medications or injections. Early intervention is crucial to prevent the condition from worsening or becoming chronic.

Chiropractic Techniques to Treat Tendonitis

Bend chiropractor Bari Liebowitz using the graston technique on a patient for neck pain.

Chiropractic care offers a multifaceted approach to treating tendonitis, incorporating various techniques that target the specific needs of the condition. Among these, spinal adjustments, shockwave therapy, and the Graston technique are particularly effective in managing and healing tendonitis. Each of these techniques has unique benefits and works synergistically to provide relief and promote recovery.

Spinal Adjustments: Spinal adjustments are a cornerstone of chiropractic care. They involve the manipulation of the vertebrae to correct alignment, relieve pressure on nerves, and improve the overall functioning of the nervous system. While tendonitis affects the tendons rather than the spine, spinal manipulation can play a significant role in treatment of back and neck pain caused by tendonitis. Proper spinal alignment can enhance the body’s natural healing abilities and improve biomechanics, reducing the strain on affected tendons. This indirect benefit can be crucial for the overall recovery process in tendonitis patients.

Shockwave Therapy: Shockwave therapy is a relatively recent innovation in treating musculoskeletal conditions like tendonitis. It uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate healing in injured tissues. This non-invasive treatment promotes regeneration and reparative processes in the tendons and surrounding tissues. Shockwave therapy is known for its effectiveness in reducing pain and increasing mobility, particularly in chronic cases of tendonitis where other treatments might have failed.

Graston Technique: The Graston Technique is a form of manual therapy that utilizes specialized stainless-steel instruments to gently massage and scrape the skin. This technique is designed to identify and treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. In the case of tendonitis, the Graston Technique helps break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions, thereby reducing pain and increasing range of motion. It also promotes better circulation in the affected area, which is essential for reducing inflammation and facilitating healing.

Incorporating these chiropractic techniques into a comprehensive treatment plan can provide significant tendonitis pain relief. Spinal adjustments ensure optimal body mechanics and nervous system function, shockwave therapy accelerates tissue repair and reduces pain, and the Graston Technique addresses soft tissue abnormalities directly linked to tendonitis. Together, they offer a robust and effective approach to treating tendonitis, improving patient outcomes and enhancing quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can chiropractic adjustments cure tendonitis? While chiropractic care is highly effective in managing tendonitis, it’s important to note that it’s part of a broader treatment plan. Chiropractic adjustments can significantly reduce pain and improve mobility, but they work best when combined with other treatments like physical therapy and lifestyle changes.
  2. How often should I see a chiropractor for tendonitis? The frequency of chiropractic visits depends on the severity of your tendonitis and your overall health. Initially, more frequent sessions may be required, which will gradually decrease as your condition improves.
  3. Is chiropractic care safe for all types of tendonitis? Chiropractic care is generally safe for most types of tendonitis. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if chiropractic treatment is suitable for your specific condition.
  4. Can chiropractic adjustments prevent tendonitis? Regular chiropractic care can help maintain proper alignment and muscle balance, reducing the risk of developing tendonitis. It’s an effective preventive measure, especially for individuals prone to repetitive strain injuries.
  5. Are there any side effects of chiropractic treatment for tendonitis? Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and low-risk treatment option. Some individuals may experience mild soreness or discomfort after a session, but these symptoms are typically short-lived and part of the body’s natural healing process.

In conclusion, chiropractic care offers a viable, holistic approach to managing and preventing tendonitis. With its focus on the body’s natural ability to heal, chiropractic treatment can provide significant relief for those suffering from tendonitis, enhancing their day-to-day life and enabling them to return to their daily activities pain-free.

A chiropractor using shockwave therapy on a man's heel for plantar fasciitis.

Exploring the Uses, Benefits & Side Effects of Shockwave Therapy

In recent years, the uses, benefits, and side effects of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in chiropractic care have become a topic of interest for both professionals and patients. This innovative therapy offers promising results for various conditions and complaints. If you’ve been considering chiropractic treatment or simply curious about new therapeutic techniques, this guide will provide a comprehensive look at shockwave therapy.

We live in a world where modern medicine is continually evolving, offering us newer and often better solutions to our health concerns. Among these advancements, shockwave therapy stands out, especially within the realm of chiropractic care. Let’s dive deeper into understanding its myriad applications and implications.

What Exactly is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate healing in specific parts of the body. When applied to injured tissue in musculoskeletal disorders, these waves promote increased blood flow, accelerated tissue repair and cell growth.

For many, the term “shockwave” may evoke images of electric shocks or intense jolts. However, rest assured, this conservative treatment is painless and safe. The “shock” in its name refers to the high velocity at which the waves travel, not an electrical shock.

Uses of Shockwave Therapy in Chiropractic

Close up of a man rubbing and holding his heel from plantar fasciitis pain.

Tackling Chronic Pain and Injuries

One of the primary uses of shockwave therapy in chiropractic care is to address chronic pain and stubborn injuries. Conditions like plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, shoulder tendinopathies, and even calcific shoulder tendinitis can benefit from this noninvasive treatment.

We’ve observed patients who had been grappling with pain for years finally finding pain relief and significant improvement after a few sessions of shockwave therapy. The acoustic waves penetrate deep into soft tissues, breaking down scar tissue and enhancing blood circulation, leading to quicker recovery and alleviation of pain. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the types of sports injuries and musculoskeletal conditions commonly treated with shockwave therapy:

1. Plantar Fasciitis: This painful condition affects the thick band of tissue (plantar fascia) that runs across the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. Shockwave therapy helps alleviate the inflammation and pain associated with plantar fasciitis.

2. Calcific Shoulder Tendinitis: Patients with calcific tendinitis have calcium deposits within the tendons of the rotator cuff in the shoulder. Shockwave therapy aids in breaking down these deposits and stimulates the healing process.

3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis): This condition is characterized by pain in the outer elbow, particularly when lifting objects. It’s a common ailment among tennis players, hence its name. Shockwave therapy aids in reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

4. Achilles Tendinopathy: The Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone, can become inflamed due to overuse or degeneration. Shockwave therapy can effectively treat the pain and inflammation associated with this achilles tendinopathy.

5. Jumper’s Knee (Patellar Tendinopathy): Common among athletes, particularly those involved in jumping sports like basketball or volleyball, this condition affects the tendon connecting the kneecap to the shinbone. Shockwave therapy assists in alleviating the pain and speeding up recovery.

6. Shin Splints: Typically experienced by runners, shin splints cause pain along the inner edge of the shinbone. Shockwave therapy aids in reducing inflammation and promotes healing of the affected area.

7. Stress Fractures: Often occurring in athletes, stress fractures are tiny cracks in the bone due to repetitive force or overuse. While rest is the primary treatment, shockwave therapy can stimulate the bone healing process.

8. Bone Spur Formation: These are bony projections that form along the edges of bones. They can cause discomfort and pain. Shockwave therapy can assist in reducing the associated pain and improving mobility.

9. Scar Tissue Breakdown: Accumulation of scar tissue after an injury can limit movement and cause discomfort. Shockwave therapy helps in breaking down the scar tissue, leading to enhanced mobility and reduced pain.

10. Non-union Fractures: These are fractures that fail to heal. Shockwave therapy can stimulate the bone’s natural healing process, promoting union.

11. Chronic Pain Syndromes: Conditions like myofascial pain syndrome, where pressure on trigger points causes pain in unrelated parts of the body, can be treated effectively with shockwave therapy.

It’s essential to note that while shockwave therapy offers promising results for these conditions, it’s not a magic cure-all. A combination of treatments, including physical therapy, exercise, and sometimes medications, might be necessary for complete recovery. As always, consulting with healthcare professionals to discuss symptoms and get a proper diagnosis is crucial.

 Enhancing Mobility and Flexibility

Another commendable use of this therapy in chiropractic care is to enhance mobility and flexibility. As we age or due to certain medical conditions, our joints and muscles may not be as pliant as they once were.

By targeting these areas with shockwave therapy, we can stimulate collagen production and reverse some of the stiffness associated with aging or injury. For many of our patients, this means a return to activities they love, be it dancing, sports, or simple daily routines, without discomfort.

Benefits of Integrating Shockwave Therapy

Close up view of a chiropractor applying shockwave therapy to a patient's neck and shoulder to heal musculoskeletal issue.

Speedy Recovery Times

One of the standout benefits of shockwave therapy in chiropractic care is the swift recovery times. Traditional methods might require extended periods of rest, but with shockwave treatment, the healing process is accelerated.

Moreover, because it’s a non-invasive procedure, patients don’t need to worry about post-operative complications or prolonged downtime. Many find themselves resuming daily activities shortly after treatment, a boon especially for athletes and active individuals.

Decreased Need for Medications

Often, with chronic pain or injuries, patients find themselves relying heavily on pain medications or corticosteroid injections. However, with the effective results seen from shockwave therapy, many can reduce or even eliminate their dependency on these drugs.

By addressing the root cause of pain and promoting natural healing, we are able to offer patients a healthier, more sustainable path to wellness, free from the potential side effects of long-term medication use.

Are There Any Side Effects to Consider?

A chiropractor applies shockwave therapy to a patient's heel to treat plantar fasciitis.

As with most treatment protocols, it’s essential to be aware of potential adverse effects. While shockwave therapy in chiropractic care is generally safe, some patients might experience minor discomfort during the procedure. This is often described as a tingling or prickling sensation.

Post-treatment, some might notice redness or swelling in the affected area. However, these symptoms are typically short-lived and fade within a day or two. It’s always important to discuss any concerns with your chiropractor to ensure you’re making informed decisions about your health.

Shockwave Therapy in Chiropractic Care FAQs:

  1. How many sessions of shockwave therapy will I need in chiropractic care? Typically, the number of sessions required depends on the severity of the condition. Some might find relief after just one or two treatments, while others may need a series of sessions to achieve better results. Discussing your specific needs with your chiropractor is essential for a tailored approach.
  2. Are the uses, benefits, and side effects of shockwave therapy in chiropractic care suitable for everyone? While many individuals can benefit from this treatment, it might not be suitable for everyone. Those with certain medical conditions or pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before undergoing shockwave therapy.
  3. Is shockwave therapy painful? Most patients describe the sensation during shockwave therapy as mild discomfort or a tingling feeling. The intensity can be adjusted based on the patient’s comfort level, ensuring a positive experience.
  4. How soon can I see results after the therapy? Many individuals report feeling immediate relief after a session. However, the long-term benefits, like increased mobility and decreased pain, become more evident after a few treatments.
  5. Do I need a referral to undergo shockwave therapy in chiropractic care? While a referral isn’t always necessary, it’s a good idea to consult with your primary healthcare provider or chiropractor to determine if shockwave therapy is right for you. They can provide guidance based on your specific health profile.
A black woman sits on the sofa and holds her head from tension headache pain.

Chiropractic for Tension Headaches: Your Path to Lasting Relief

Ever felt like a vice was slowly tightening around your head, squeezing every ounce of comfort out of your day? Welcome to the world of tension headaches. These debilitating episodes, characterized by a relentless dull ache, often send individuals on a wild chase for effective relief. But what if we told you there’s a holistic answer, lying in the realm of chiropractic for tension headaches? This approach goes beyond the surface, addressing the very roots of your discomfort. So, let’s embark on a transformative journey, exploring tension headaches, their triggers, and how chiropractic care could be your golden ticket to a pain-free life.

What Exactly Are Tension Headaches?

A man sits on the sofa with eyes closed and rubbing his temples from tension headache pain.

Tension headaches, aptly named for the tension-like sensation they produce, are the most common type of headache individuals encounter. They manifest as a constant ache, pressure or the sensation of a tight band around the head from muscle contractions, especially at the temples or back of the head and neck. Unlike migraine headaches, they don’t cause nausea or make one sensitive to light and sounds.

Understanding the causes of these headaches is crucial for effective prevention and management. Here are some of the primary causes of episodic tension headaches:

  1. Muscle Strain: One of the most common causes is the tightening or tensing of the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and scalp. This strain can result from poor posture, a lack of movement, or holding one’s head in an awkward position for extended periods.
  2. Stress: Chronic stress or acute episodes of stress can lead to muscle tension, which in turn can result in stress headaches. This can be due to personal issues, workplace challenges, or even day-to-day hassles.
  3. Eye Strain: Staring at a computer screen or any other digital device for extended periods without breaks can lead to eye strain, which can be a precursor to tension-type headaches. Inadequate lighting or the need for corrective lenses can also contribute to frequent headaches.
  4. Sleeping Position: An unsupportive pillow, sleeping in an awkward position, or sudden changes in sleep patterns can lead to tension in the head and neck muscles.
  5. Dietary and Lifestyle Triggers: Some people find that specific foods or substances, like alcohol, caffeine, or processed foods, can trigger tension headaches. Missed meals, dehydration, or prolonged fasting can also be culprits.
  6. Jaw Clenching or Teeth Grinding: This can result in muscle tension around the head, especially during sleep, leading to chronic headaches upon waking.
  7. Sinus Infections: While they more commonly cause sinus headaches, the pressure and inflammation associated with sinus infections can sometimes lead to tension headaches.
  8. Hormonal Changes: Women may experience tension headaches related to hormonal fluctuations, especially during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause.
  9. Environmental Factors: Strong smells (like perfumes or chemicals), exposure to smoke, or changes in weather can sometimes precipitate tension headaches in sensitive individuals.
  10. Anxiety and Depression: Chronic anxiety or depression can lead to muscle tension and subsequently result in tension headaches.
  11. Overexertion: Physical or mental fatigue due to overworking or lack of adequate rest can cause tension headaches.
  12. Medications and Drugs: Some medicines, especially those for treating high blood pressure, can cause tension headaches as a side effect. Withdrawal from certain medications or substances, like caffeine, can also lead to headaches.

It’s worth noting that chronic tension headaches can sometimes be triggered by a combination of factors. Recognizing personal triggers and implementing preventive strategies, like regular breaks during work, maintaining good posture, managing stress, and ensuring adequate sleep, can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of tension headaches.

Pressure Points: The Hidden Culprits Behind Tension Headaches

Have you ever pressed a certain spot on your body and felt an unexpected relief from pain? These are known as pressure points, and they play a pivotal role in tension headaches. These trigger points, when stimulated, can either alleviate or exacerbate pain.

For instance, the hollow at the base of your skull is home to several pressure points linked to headaches. Inappropriate posture, stress, or an injury can activate these points, leading to a tension headache. By understanding and addressing these pressure points, one can pave the way for effective relief.

Chiropractic Treatment: The Holistic Solution for Tension Headaches

When people think about chiropractic care, they often associate it with spinal adjustments. While this is a core component, chiropractic for frequent tension headaches offers so much more. By focusing on the alignment of the spine and the function of the nervous system, chiropractic treatment ensures the body operates in harmony.

First, a chiropractor will identify any misalignments or subluxations in the spine that could be causing nerve interference. By rectifying these, the body can communicate more effectively, potentially diminishing the frequency and intensity of tension headaches. Furthermore, chiropractic care often incorporates massage and other therapeutic techniques to alleviate muscle tension, particularly in the neck and shoulders, addressing a prevalent trigger for tension headaches.

What’s Involved in the Chiropractic Treatment?

A chiropractor sitting working on the neck of a patient.

Embarking on a journey of chiropractic for tension headaches might seem daunting, but it’s a tailored, holistic approach that prioritizes your well-being. Here’s what you can expect:

Initial Consultation and Diagnosis

Your chiropractor will start with an in-depth consultation. This involves understanding your medical history, lifestyle, and any specific triggers for your headaches. Armed with this knowledge, they’ll conduct a thorough examination, identifying any spinal misalignments or underlying issues.

Personalized Treatment Plan

For many, the journey to find relief from tension headaches is littered with countless pain medications, darkened rooms, and missed opportunities. However, there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon: chiropractic treatment. Within this holistic realm, spinal manipulation and neck adjustments emerge as two potent tools against the grip of tension headaches. But how exactly do they work? Let’s explore the transformative power of these chiropractic practices.

Spinal Manipulation: Restoring Balance and Harmony

The spine is our body’s structural centerpiece, providing support and facilitating movement. However, its importance extends beyond mere mechanics. It also houses the spinal cord, a vital part of our central nervous system. Any misalignments or subluxations in the spine can disrupt the optimal function of the nervous system, which in turn can manifest in various ailments, including tension headaches.

Spinal manipulation therapy, often referred to as chiropractic adjustment, is a technique where trained chiropractors apply controlled force to joints of the spine that have become misaligned. These adjustments aim to:

  1. Restore Proper Alignment: Misalignments can result from various factors, including poor posture, trauma, or repetitive strain. By realigning the spine, chiropractors can alleviate the pressure and strain that contribute to tension headaches.
  2. Enhance Nervous System Function: With the spine realigned, nerve interference is reduced. A fully functioning nervous system can effectively manage and reduce pain, including that of tension headaches.
  3. Increase Blood Flow: Proper alignment ensures optimal blood flow. Enhanced circulation can expedite the healing process, reduce inflammation, and decrease muscle tension, all of which can mitigate tension headache occurrence and severity.

Neck Adjustments: Zeroing In on a Key Culprit

While the entire spine’s health is crucial, tension headaches often have a direct link to the cervical spine, or the neck. Neck adjustments focus on this region, addressing issues that might be the direct cause or a contributing factor to tension headaches.

  1. Muscle Tension Relief: The muscles in the neck, when tense or strained, can trigger tension headaches and neck pain. Chiropractic neck adjustments can relax these muscles, offering immediate relief and reducing the frequency of tension headache episodes.
  2. Correcting Forward Head Posture: In our digital age, many suffer from “text neck” or forward head posture, resulting from prolonged screen usage. This posture increases the strain on the neck, often leading to tension headaches. Regular neck adjustments can correct this posture, alleviating associated triggers for headache sufferers.
  3. Enhancing Neck Mobility: Restricted neck movement can contribute to headaches. By restoring full range motion in the neck, chiropractors can help prevent the onset of tension headaches caused by muscular strain or joint irritation.

Continuous Care and Support

Chiropractic care is not just about immediate relief; it’s about long-term wellness. As you progress, your chiropractor will continuously monitor your improvement, adjusting the headache treatment as necessary. This ensures you receive optimum care throughout your journey.

While tension headaches might be a common complaint, enduring them as a regular part of life is unnecessary. Chiropractic treatments, particularly spinal manipulation and neck adjustments, offer a holistic, non-invasive, and effective approach to combatting headache pain. By restoring the body’s balance and addressing the root causes, these treatments not only alleviate the pain but also reduce the recurrence of tension headaches, leading to a more comfortable, pain-free life. If tension headaches have become a recurring theme in your daily life, considering a chiropractic evaluation might be the game-changer you’ve been seeking. Make an appointment today with Total Body Chiropractic in Bend.

Chiropractic for Tension Headaches FAQs

  1. Can chiropractic care provide immediate relief for tension headaches? While some patients experience immediate relief, chiropractic care primarily focuses on providing long-term solutions by addressing the root causes. Over time, with consistent treatment, many individuals find a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of their tension headaches.
  2. How often should I see a chiropractor for tension headaches? The frequency of visits varies depending on the individual’s needs. Initially, more frequent visits might be recommended to initiate the healing process, with the frequency reducing as the patient progresses.
  3. Is chiropractic treatment for tension headaches safe? Absolutely. Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to health and wellness. Always ensure you’re seeing a licensed chiropractor who’ll prioritize your safety and well-being.
  4. Besides chiropractic care, what other measures can help with tension headaches? Maintaining good posture, managing stress, relaxation techniques, staying hydrated, regular exercise and other lifestyle changes can all play a role in headache relief. Additionally, being mindful of potential triggers and addressing them proactively can be beneficial.
  5. Do I need a referral to see a chiropractor? In most cases, a referral isn’t necessary. However, if you’re seeking chiropractic care through certain insurance providers or medical programs, a referral might be required. It’s always best to check with your provider or chiropractor directly.
Woman sitting at a desk looking at her computer and rubbing her neck from neck pain.

A Comprehensive Guide to Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain

Neck pain is an unwelcome guest for many of us, often striking at the least opportune times. Whether it’s the aftermath of a long workday or an unexpected twist, a stiff neck can be disruptive to your daily activities and, frankly, a nuisance.

Chronic neck pain is a common problem that affects a staggering number of people globally. And, while over-the-counter medications offer temporary relief, chiropractic treatments promise—and often deliver—longer-lasting solutions. Plus, with advancements in the field, treatments like the Graston Technique and Shockwave Therapy are making waves (pun intended!) in providing relief from muscle tightness and chronic pain. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how chiropractic care might be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Understanding the Mechanics of Your Neck

The neck, or cervical spine, isn’t just a mere extension of our spinal column; it’s a complex structure responsible for supporting and moving our head, which weighs about 10-12 pounds!

Anatomy of the neck

The neck houses seven vertebrae, aptly named C1 through C7. These bones stack on top of one another, separated by discs that act as cushions for joint mobility, preventing the bones from grinding against each other. It’s not just bones though; the musculoskeletal system consists of a myriad of muscles, ligaments, and nerves intertwine, ensuring our neck isn’t just strong but incredibly flexible.

How the neck supports the head

Think of your neck as a well-engineered architectural marvel. It balances the head, allowing it to pivot in various directions. This mobility comes courtesy of the atlas (C1) and axis (C2), the top two vertebrae. The atlas lets your head nod up and down, while the axis facilitates rotation. Talk about teamwork!

Role of vertebrae and muscles

While the vertebrae provide a protective conduit for the spinal cord, the muscles do the heavy lifting, figuratively and literally. Muscles like the sternocleidomastoid allow for rotation and flexion, whereas the trapezius stretches from the back of the neck down to the middle of the spine, helping with shrugging and tilting. The dance of these muscles and bones, harmonized with tendons and ligaments, grants us the range of motion we often take for granted.

Causes of Neck Pain

Man rubbing neck pain after a car accident with two crashed vehicles in the background.

Now that you’ve had a peek into the mechanics, let’s explore what throws a wrench into this intricate machinery.

  1. Physical strain. From hunching over our desks, staring at screens, to sleeping in awkward positions, modern life hasn’t been kind to our necks. These everyday strains might seem trivial but accumulated over time? They’re a primary pain culprit.
  2. Accidents and injuries. Whiplash, commonly resulting from car accidents, is a jarring neck injury that occurs when the head is thrown forward and then jerked back. This sudden movement can stretch and tear neck muscles and ligaments. Neck pain can also arise from a sports injury when sudden movements or physical impacts strain the muscles, ligaments, or vertebrae in the cervical region.
  3. Age-related issues. As we age, so do our discs. They might dehydrate, shrink, or even herniate. Osteoarthritis is another age-associated culprit, resulting from the wear and tear of the protective cartilage on the bone.
  4. Diseases leading to neck pain. While less common, diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis, or certain cancers can manifest as neck pain. Always consult a physician if you suspect a more serious underlying cause.

How a Chiropractor Diagnoses Neck Pain

Man waking up in bed and rubbing his neck due to neck pain.

Arriving at our chiropractic clinic, you won’t just be asked to lie down on a table for an adjustment. The process is much more detailed and nuanced. So, what really happens behind those clinic doors?

Initial consultation

Before anything, your chiropractor will want to get to know you. This involves a detailed history, understanding your lifestyle, work habits, past injuries, and other health concerns. It’s all about piecing the puzzle together, and every detail counts!

Physical examination

Post the discussion, a hands-on examination follows. This isn’t just limited to the neck. The chiropractor might evaluate your spine, checking for alignment, muscle tone, and tenderness. Remember, our bodies are interconnected. Sometimes, a problem in the back could be causing neck pain!

Radiographic evaluation

Based on the initial findings, your chiropractor might order an X-ray. Why? To get a clear picture of your vertebrae. This helps rule out or confirm potential causes like fractures, tumors, or arthritis.

Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain

A chiropractor sitting working on the neck of a patient.

Once the root cause is identified, the chiropractor crafts a tailored treatment plan. But what exactly does chiropractic treatment entail?

Principles of chiropractic treatment

At its core, chiropractic care is about restoring the body’s innate ability to heal itself. The idea is that proper alignment of the spine will enable better nervous system functionality, reduce pain, and promote overall health.

How chiropractic adjustments work

Using hands or a small tool, the chiropractor applies a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. This is the famous “adjustment.” The goal? Improve range of motion and reduce nerve irritability. And if you’re wondering about the “cracking” sound, it’s just gas bubbles releasing from the joints!

Benefits and risks

Many patients report immediate relief from spinal manipulation. The benefits range from pain reduction, increased range of motion, to even improved mood and sleep. However, like any treatment, risks exist. Some might experience temporary discomfort, headaches, or fatigue. But these are generally rare and mild.

Common Questions About Neck Adjustments

What to expect during an adjustment?

It’s a mix of gentle movements and firm, quick actions. While the adjustment itself is quick, the entire session involves warm-up movements and often a cool-down phase with exercises or advice.

Is neck adjustment painful?

Not usually. While you might feel pressure, it shouldn’t be painful. Some discomfort might arise post-adjustment, similar to after a workout, but it typically subsides.

How many sessions are needed?

This varies based on the individual and the underlying issue. Acute conditions might need few sessions, while chronic problems could require ongoing care.

In our next segment, we’ll discuss the Graston Technique and shockwave therapy, two advanced methods increasingly employed in the chiropractic realm. Would you like me to proceed?

Advanced Chiropractic Treatment Options

While traditional adjustments remain a cornerstone of chiropractic care, advancements have introduced techniques that can further aid in the relief of neck pain.

1. Graston Technique

Bend chiropractor Bari Liebowitz using the graston technique on the neck of a patient for neck pain.

A unique, evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, the Graston Technique allows for precise detection and treatment of fascial restrictions and muscle knots.

How does it work?

Using stainless steel instruments with unique edges and angles, practitioners scan and treat the affected area. These tools amplify the tactile sensation, helping in locating muscle knots and scar tissue.

Benefits of the Graston Technique

  • Pain Reduction: The technique helps in breaking down scar tissue and fascial restrictions, thus alleviating pain.
  • Increased Mobility: By reducing soft tissue restrictions, mobility is often enhanced.
  • Enhanced Recovery: Improved blood flow to the treated area can expedite the healing process.

Potential Side Effects

While the Graston Technique is generally safe, patients might experience minor discomfort during the treatment. Temporary redness and soreness are also common but usually subside within a day or two.

2. Shockwave Therapy

Close up view of a chiropractor applying shockwave therapy to a patient's neck and shoulder to heal musculoskeletal issue.

A non-invasive method, shockwave therapy employs acoustic waves which help in alleviating chronic pain, especially pain associated with connective tissue disorders.

How does it work?

High-energy acoustic waves are delivered to the painful areas, leading to regenerative and reparative responses by the body. This stimulates cell repair, enhances blood circulation, and speeds up recovery.

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

  • Pain Management: Many patients report immediate pain relief post-session.
  • Restores Mobility: By breaking down scar tissue and calcifications, it restores mobility.
  • Non-invasive: It offers a surgical-free approach to pain relief.

Potential Side Effects

The most common side effect is temporary soreness or swelling at the treatment site. Occasionally, minor bruising might occur, but these are transient and usually resolve rapidly.

Both the Graston Technique and shockwave therapy highlight how chiropractic care has evolved over the years, embracing technology and innovation to better serve patients.

Frequently Asked Questions about Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain

What are the common causes of neck pain that chiropractors treat?

Neck pain can stem from a myriad of causes, some of the most common being:

  • Physical strain or repetitive stress
  • Accidents and injuries, particularly whiplash from car accidents
  • Age-related wear and tear such as spinal stenosis
  • Diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Poor posture, especially from staring at screens

How do I know if chiropractic care is right for my neck pain?

It’s vital to consult a chiropractor for an assessment. They’ll take a detailed history, perform a physical examination, and may order imaging studies. With this information, they can recommend if chiropractic care is suitable or if another treatment modality might be more appropriate.

How soon can I expect relief after a chiropractic session?

Many patients experience some relief immediately after their first session. However, the extent and duration of relief can vary based on the underlying cause of the pain. Chronic issues might need multiple sessions before a notable improvement is felt.

Are there any risks associated with chiropractic adjustments to the neck?

While chiropractic care is generally safe, there can be risks. Potential side effects include temporary discomfort in the treatment area, headaches, or fatigue. Serious complications, like stroke, are exceedingly rare but have been reported.

Can I undergo chiropractic treatment if I’ve had neck surgery?

It depends on the type of surgery and its outcome. Always consult your surgeon and chiropractor before seeking chiropractic care post-surgery. They’ll work together to determine the best course of action.

Is it common to need ongoing chiropractic care for neck pain?

Some patients benefit from ongoing maintenance sessions, especially if their neck pain is chronic or recurrent. Regular adjustments can help manage pain and maintain mobility. Your chiropractor will recommend a care plan tailored to your needs.

Are there exercises I can do at home to complement chiropractic care?

Absolutely! Your chiropractor can suggest specific exercises and stretches that can help strengthen your neck muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. Regularly practicing these can often expedite recovery and prevent future issues.

Get Neck Pain Relief with Total Body Chiropractic in Bend

Understanding the intricacies of chiropractic care can be a game-changer in managing neck pain. The field has advanced tremendously, offering a blend of traditional and innovative approaches to ensure patients receive the best possible care. Should you ever find yourself or someone you know grappling with neck pain, contact us today to get the pain relief you need.

African-American man bent over and holding his lower back from pain.

Beyond the Backache: How Spinal Decompression Transformed Herniated Disc Healing

The human spine is a marvel of nature’s engineering, designed to offer support, flexibility, and protection to our nervous system. However, due to various reasons, it can sometimes run into problems, including the notorious herniated disc. For those seeking relief from chronic pain, non-surgical spinal decompression therapy offers a potential solution. Let’s dive into this subject.

What is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression?

Woman sitting on the sofa holding her lower back in pain.

Non-surgical spinal decompression is a type of motorized traction therapy that can help relieve back and neck pain. Rather than relying on surgical interventions, this conservative treatment method uses a special table to stretch and decompress the spine, allowing the spinal discs to heal.

Key features of non-surgical spinal decompression:

  • Non-invasive: Unlike surgical methods, there is no need for incisions or invasive procedures.
  • Targeted: The treatment specifically targets the damaged or affected spinal discs.
  • Controlled: The traction applied is precise and controlled, reducing the risk of injury or discomfort.

Spinal decompression therapy is designed primarily for individuals experiencing persistent neck or lower back pain due to herniated, bulging, or degenerative disc disease. While it offers hope to many suffering from chronic discomfort, not everyone is a suitable candidate. Ideal candidates are those with disc-related problems causing symptoms like sciatica or spinal stenosis. Additionally, those who have failed to find relief from traditional treatments such as physiotherapy, pain medications, or even surgeries might benefit from this non-invasive approach. However, certain individuals are generally considered ineligible for the therapy, including pregnant women, patients with severe osteoporosis, those with spinal tumors or infections, or individuals with certain conditions like ankylosing spondylitis. Patients with artificial implants or hardware in the spine, such as metal screws or plates, might also be excluded. As always, a thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional is essential to determine the appropriateness of spinal decompression therapy for each unique individual.

How Spinal Decompression Therapy Works

The principle behind this therapy hinges on the application of controlled mechanical traction to the spine, aimed at creating a negative intradiscal pressure. By gently stretching the spinal column, spaces between the vertebrae increase, which results in a decrease in the pressure exerted on the affected discs. As this pressure reduces, the protruding or bulging discs, often the culprits behind the pain due to nerve impingement, can retract back to their normal positions.

The retraction not only alleviates the immediate pain by minimizing nerve compression, but it also fosters an environment conducive to healing by creating a vacuum effect. This negative pressure draws essential nutrients, oxygen and blood flow into the disc, aiding in the restoration of damaged discs and promoting natural healing. Furthermore, by continually decompressing and relaxing the spine, the treatment ensures that the spinal discs remain well-hydrated and receive adequate nutrient supply.

Over time, with repeated sessions, spinal decompression therapy can lead to significant pain relief and restoration of normal disc function without resorting to invasive surgical interventions. Given its holistic approach to addressing the root cause of disc-related issues and the subsequent nerve compression, spinal decompression therapy stands out as a promising solution for many individuals in their quest for pain relief and spinal health.

Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

Infographic depicting a herniated disc in the spinal cord.

A herniated disc, often referred to as a slipped or ruptured disc, happens when the soft inner portion of a spinal disc protrudes out through the tough outer layer. This can irritate nearby spinal nerves and lead to pain, numbness, or weakness in an arm or leg. It’s crucial to recognize the symptoms early for effective treatment.

Common symptoms include:

  • Pain: This can be localized or radiate to other parts of the body depending on the location of the herniation. For instance, a herniated disc in the lower back might cause pain in the buttocks, thigh, or calf.
  • Numbness or tingling: Patients might feel these sensations in the body part served by the affected nerves.
  • Weakness: Muscles served by the affected nerves tend to weaken, affecting your ability to hold or lift items.
  • Unexplained muscle stiffness or cramping.
  • Localized spinal discomfort.

Not everyone with a herniated disc will have these symptoms. It’s possible for a herniated disc to remain asymptomatic unless it presses on a spinal cord nerve.

Benefits of Spinal Decompression for a Herniated Disc

If you’ve been diagnosed with a herniated disc or suspect you might have one, spinal decompression therapy can offer several benefits and significant improvement with your lower back pain.

Key advantages include:

  • Pain relief: By repositioning the herniated disc material and reducing its pressure on the nerves, many patients experience significant pain relief.
  • Increased mobility: As the pain diminishes, patients often find they can move more freely and comfortably.
  • Reduced reliance on medications: As a natural healing method, spinal decompression can reduce or even eliminate the need for pain medications, which often come with side effects.
  • Avoiding surgery: In many cases, spinal decompression can be an effective alternative to spinal surgery, saving patients from potential surgical complications and lengthy recovery times.
  • Improved quality of life: Beyond physical benefits, the reduction in pain and discomfort can greatly improve a person’s overall well-being and lifestyle.

Spinal Decompression Treatment Plan for a Herniated Disc

A typical chiropractic treatment plan is personalized based on the severity of the herniation and the patient’s unique needs. However, some general components are usually present.

A typical treatment plan might include:

  • Initial Assessment: Before starting any treatment, a thorough evaluation is conducted. This often involves physical examinations, reviewing medical history, and possibly imaging tests.
  • Frequency of Sessions: Typically, patients might undergo 15-30 therapy sessions over a span of 4-6 weeks. Each session of chiropractic adjustments can last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Positioning: Patients are comfortably positioned on a motorized table, with harnesses around their pelvis and trunk.
  • Treatment: The chiropractor controls the device, customizing the force and angle of disc distraction. This ensures optimal and painless decompression.
  • Supplemental Therapies: Often, spinal decompression is combined with other treatments like heat or cold therapy, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound to enhance the healing process.

Visit Bend Total Body Chiropractic for Pain Relief

Chiropractic spinal decompression therapy presents a compelling option for those grappling with the pain and discomfort of a herniated disc. By understanding what this therapy entails and its potential benefits, patients can make informed decisions about their spinal health. As with any treatment, it’s essential to consult with your chiropractor to determine the best course of action for your individual circumstances. Make an appointment today for a chiropractic consultation and get you on the road to a healthy, pain-free life.


African American male runner sits on gravel path holding his Achilles tendon in pain from a running injury.

From Stress Fractures to Strains: Speeding Up Recovery with Shockwave Therapy

In the world of sports and fitness, injuries are almost par for the course. As athletes push their limits, the body sometimes responds with musculoskeletal injuries. Traditional sports medicine methods, while effective, often come with prolonged recovery periods. Enter shockwave therapy—a game-changing approach that’s revolutionizing rehabilitation for sports and overuse injuries. Let’s dive deep into this transformative treatment.

Decoding Shockwave Therapy

Close up view of a chiropractor applying shockwave therapy to a patient's neck and shoulder to heal musculoskeletal issue.

Shockwave therapy, also known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), is a non-invasive therapeutic technique. Your chiropractor uses as handheld device that emits high-energy acoustic waves, which are transmitted through the skin and into the injured soft tissues of the affected area. These sound waves stimulate healing, reduce pain, and promote cellular repair and growth.

The principle is fascinating. The body, when subjected to these shockwaves, responds with increased metabolic activity around the pain site. This accelerates the healing process by increasing blood flow and stimulating cell regeneration.

h2: Why Shockwave Therapy is Making Waves in Sports Rehabilitation

The adoption of shockwave therapy in sports rehabilitation owes to its myriad of benefits:

  • Speedy Recovery: It accelerates the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
  • Non-Invasive Treatment: No surgeries, no incisions. Just a handheld device that sends waves through the skin.
  • Minimized Reliance on Medication: Often reduces or eliminates the need for painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs or steroid injections.
  • Few Side Effects: Apart from minor discomfort or redness, patients usually don’t experience side effects.

Targeted Treatment: Sports and Overuse Injuries Shockwave Can Tackle

Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

Female tennis player on a clay tennis court holding her elbow in pain from overuse injury.

Medically termed as lateral and medial epicondylitis, tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow are common sports injuries. The overuse of forearm muscles results in pain and inflammation at the elbow joint. Shockwave therapy focuses on these pain points, promoting healing and reducing inflammation. The shockwaves stimulate collagen production, an essential component for tendon repair.

Plantar Fasciitis

Close up view of a woman sitting on the floor massaging her heel pain from plantar fasciitis.

Runners and jumpers often complain of heel pain, attributed to plantar fasciitis. This inflammation of the fibrous tissue along the bottom of the foot can be stubborn. But with shockwave therapy, there’s hope. The therapy stimulates blood flow in the injured area, which in turn accelerates tissue repair and cellular growth and results in pain relief.

Achilles Tendinitis

Close up view of a male runner's lower legs as he bends over to grab his achilles tendon in pain.

This is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon, the thick band connecting calf muscles to the heel bone. Persistent strain from running or jumping can cause this painful musculoskeletal condition. Shockwave therapy, when applied, can break down injury-induced calcifications in the tendon, offering relief and fostering tendon healing.

Prepping for a Shockwave Therapy Session: What to Expect

A chiropractor applies shockwave therapy to a patient's heel to treat plantar fasciitis.

Venturing into the realm of shockwave therapy? Here’s a glimpse into what awaits:

Pre-Treatment Consultation

Before starting treatment, patients typically undergo an evaluation. This helps the chiropractor understand the nature and extent of the injury. They might also discuss medical history to ensure shockwave therapy is a suitable non-surgical treatment.

During the Session

The actual procedure is relatively short, often lasting 5-10 minutes. A gel is applied to the treatment area, ensuring the shockwaves are efficiently transmitted. The handheld device is then placed against the skin, sending pulses to the injured tissues. While there might be some discomfort, it’s typically bearable and lasts only during the session.

Post-Treatment Recommendations

Post-procedure, patients are usually advised to rest the treated area and avoid strenuous exercise for a few days before getting back to daily activities. While some might experience immediate relief, others might need a few sessions before discerning significant improvements.

Shockwave Therapy Considerations

Shockwave therapy, while beneficial, is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s important to discuss this treatment option with your chiropractor.

  • Understand the Limits: While shockwave treatment can address many sports injuries, it might not be the solution for all conditions.
  • Adhere to Advice: Follow post-treatment recommendations for optimal results.

EPAT shockwave therapy stands as a testament to the power of medical innovation. It offers a non-invasive, effective treatment to the age-old problem of overuse injuries and helps athletes of all types get back to the sports they love more quickly. Contact us at Total Body Chiropractic today to learn how shockwave therapy can benefit you.

Shockwave Therapy FAQs:

  1. Is shockwave therapy suitable for all age groups?
  • Generally, yes. However, its appropriateness can depend on individual health conditions and the specific injury. Always consult with a therapist before beginning treatment.
  1. How many sessions of shockwave therapy might I need?
  • The number of sessions varies based on the injury’s severity. Some might need as few as three, while others might require more.
  1. Are there any long-term side effects of shockwave therapy?
  • Currently, no long-term side effects have been identified. However, some might experience temporary redness or swelling post-treatment.
  1. Can shockwave therapy prevent future injuries?
  • While it can effectively treat existing injuries and strengthen tissues, it’s essential to combine therapy with proper training and exercises to minimize future injury risks.
  1. How soon after an injury can I start shockwave therapy?
  • It’s best to consult with a therapist. In some cases, immediate treatment might be beneficial, while in others, it’s advisable to wait.


Woman sitting at a desk looking at her computer and rubbing her neck from neck pain.

Alleviating Neck Pain: The Chiropractic Way to a Healthier You

Neck pain is a common discomfort that many people face in their daily lives. In this post, we’re going to dive into how chiropractic can alleviate neck pain and offer a reprieve from this discomfort. The spine is a marvel of the human body, and with the right care, we can ensure it remains in optimal condition.

In our increasingly digital world, more people are experiencing neck pain due to prolonged screen time, poor posture, or even stress. The beauty of chiropractic treatment is that it provides a non-invasive solution to this pervasive issue. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together.

How Chiropractic Care Works

Chiropractic care revolves around the spine and its intimate connection to the nervous system. When there are misalignments in the spine, they can cause various health issues, including neck pain. By understanding and addressing these misalignments, we can bring about significant relief.

The principle of chiropractic focuses on the body’s innate ability to heal itself. When the spine is aligned correctly, this treatment option can perform its functions more effectively, thereby reducing pain and promoting overall wellness.

How Chiropractic Specifically Targets Neck Pain

A chiropractor sitting working on the neck of a patient.

The neck, or the cervical spine, is incredibly delicate. Any slight misalignment can cause pain, tension, or even numbness. Through specific chiropractic adjustments tailored to the cervical area, proper alignment can be restored and alleviate these issues.

In a typical session, a chiropractor will assess the patient’s overall posture, the range of motion, and pain areas. Using precise and controlled movements, they use spinal manipulation to realign the cervical spine, thereby reducing pressure and pain. It’s fascinating how a few slight adjustments can bring about such significant relief.

Furthermore, chiropractors often provide patients with exercises and stretches to maintain neck health. These are tailored to combat the specific issues the patient faces and prevent future complications.

The Long-Term Benefits of Chiropractic for Chronic Neck Pain

It’s not just about immediate relief. Consistent chiropractic care can provide long-lasting solutions for those with persistent neck pain. Through regular sessions, we can prevent future neck issues and ensure the spine remains in top condition.

The advantages don’t stop at pain relief. When the cervical spine is in alignment, it facilitates better nerve communication throughout the body. This can lead to improved mental clarity, better sleep, and even a boosted immune system.

Addressing the root cause of neck pain, we can eliminate the need for pain medications, which often come with a slew of side effects. Natural and holistic approaches, like chiropractic, are gaining popularity for these very reasons.

Myths and Misconceptions: Debunking Common Beliefs

Bend chiropractor Bari Liebowitz using the graston technique on the neck of a patient for neck pain.

Unfortunately, there are several myths surrounding chiropractic care. We believe in informed decisions, so let’s address some of these misconceptions.

1. “Chiropractic Adjustments are Painful”

It’s a common belief that a neck adjustment can be painful. However, in reality, most patients experience effective relief after an adjustment. We utilize precise and controlled movements, ensuring the utmost comfort for our patients.

Additionally, chiropractors are trained professionals. They spend years understanding the intricate details of the spine and the best techniques to provide relief without causing discomfort.

2. “One Session is Enough for Neck Pain Relief”

How chiropractic can alleviate neck pain is a journey, not a one-stop solution. While many patients do experience relief after a single session, consistent care ensures lasting results. The body requires time to adapt and heal, and regular adjustments help facilitate this process.

Imagine it like going to the gym. One session might make you feel great, but consistent effort ensures lasting results and overall wellness.

3. “All Neck Pain is the Same”

Neck pain can arise from various causes, and its severity can range significantly. Whether it’s due to poor posture, a neck injury, or stress, each case is unique. That’s why we tailor our approach to each individual, ensuring they receive care that addresses their specific needs.

The Role of Lifestyle in Neck Pain

An African-American woman sitting at a computer rubbing her neck due to muscle strain.

Lifestyle plays a significant role in the health of our necks. Sedentary habits, poor ergonomic setups, text neck and even stress can contribute to neck pain. By addressing these issues and making slight changes, we can further enhance the benefits of chiropractic care.

Posture and Its Impact: Our posture, especially while working or using digital devices, can directly impact our cervical spine. Ensuring an ergonomic setup and being mindful of our posture can prevent pain and muscle tension from tech neck.

The Power of Prevention: Prevention is better than cure. By understanding how chiropractic can alleviate chronic pain, we can take proactive steps to ensure our necks remain in good health. Regular check-ups, maintaining good posture, and practicing neck stretches and corrective exercises are just a few preventive measures.

Chiropractic Care FAQs

1. How often should I visit a chiropractor for neck pain?

  • The frequency of visits depends on the severity of the pain and the recommendations of the chiropractor. Initially, more frequent visits might be suggested to address the issue, which can then taper off as the condition improves.
  • Maintenance spinal adjustments can be beneficial, even if the pain has subsided, to ensure the spine remains in optimal condition.

2. How long does it take to see results with chiropractic care for neck pain?

  • Many patients experience relief after just one session. However, the body requires time to adapt and heal, so consistent care ensures lasting results.
  • The duration for noticeable results can vary based on the severity of the pain and the underlying causes.

3. What’s the difference between a massage and chiropractic adjustment for neck pain?

  • While both target relief from discomfort, their methods differ. Massages focus on muscle relaxation, while chiropractic adjustments target spinal misalignments to ensure proper nerve communication.
  • Both can be complementary and beneficial for neck pain relief.

4. Are there any side effects after a chiropractic session for neck pain?

  • Some patients might experience mild soreness, similar to post-exercise discomfort. However, this typically subsides within a day or two.
  • It’s essential to communicate any concerns or discomforts with your chiropractor to ensure the best care and treatment plan.

Make an appointment with our chiropractic clinic today to get rid of your neck pain!

Woman sitting at a desk with bad posture looking at her mobile phone.

Unraveling the Mystery: Can a Chiropractor Help with Posture?

Our body’s posture is a silent communicator, speaking volumes about our health and confidence. Have you ever asked yourself, “Can a chiropractor help with posture?” The answer is a resounding yes. Posture matters, and chiropractors are skilled healthcare professionals who can significantly assist in improving posture and overall spinal health.

Chiropractic care can be a key solution to rectify posture issues resulting from our modern lifestyles. In this article, we explore the benefits of chiropractic treatment and how it can positively impact spinal alignment and posture.

Posture Problems: A Modern Day Epidemic

Woman sitting with bad posture at a desk at home while looking at her mobile phone.

The modern lifestyle, replete with hours spent hunched over computers, slouched in front of the TV, or peering down at smartphones, has led to an epidemic of posture problems such as back and neck pain. The “text neck” or “computer posture” is more prevalent now than ever before.

These habitual patterns in daily life can cause imbalances in our musculoskeletal system, leading to discomfort, fatigue, and even chronic health problems. Let’s delve deeper into the root causes of bad posture and understand why it is crucial to address these issues.

The Impact of Poor Posture

Poor posture doesn’t just affect your appearance; it can have serious health implications. It may lead to chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain, disrupt blood circulation, impair lung function, and even affect your mood.

Prolonged poor posture can contribute to degenerative arthritis and disc disease, spinal curvature, and weak muscles. The human body is designed for movement, and sedentary habits coupled with poor posture can severely impede its natural function.

Chiropractic Intervention: The Posture Solution

How exactly can a chiropractor help with posture? Chiropractors are trained in detecting and correcting misalignments and joint mobility issues with hands-on manipulation techniques.

Their holistic approach can improve your posture, enhance body function, reduce pain, and promote overall wellness. A chiropractor can guide you on a corrective course to better posture through personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.

How a Chiropractor Can Improve Your Posture

Bend Chiropractor Bari Liebowitz performing a neck adjustment on a patient.

1. Posture Assessment

When you first visit a chiropractor, they’ll perform a comprehensive posture assessment. This involves a visual evaluation, a review of your medical history, and may include digital posture analyses.

By thoroughly understanding your posture issues, the chiropractor can create an effective treatment plan. The goal is not just immediate pain relief but long-term postural correction and improved overall health.

2. Chiropractic Adjustments

The core of chiropractic treatment lies in chiropractic adjustments or spinal manipulations. By applying targeted pressure on key parts of the spine, a chiropractor can help realign your vertebrae, alleviating chronic pain and discomfort caused by postural stress.

Over time, these spinal adjustments help reinforce correct posture, allowing your body to naturally maintain a healthier stance.

3. Posture Corrective Exercises

Chiropractors often supplement adjustments with posture corrective exercises. These exercises, custom-made to fit your needs, strengthen your postural muscles and help maintain the correct alignment.

With consistent practice, these exercises enable you to proactively manage and improve your posture outside of the chiropractic office.

Maintaining Good Posture

Once you’ve begun your journey to correct your posture, it’s crucial to maintain it. Regular chiropractic visits are an integral part of this journey. A chiropractor not only corrects improper posture but also provides guidance and strategies for maintaining it.

Consistent practice of prescribed exercises, mindfulness about your posture during daily activities, and a healthy lifestyle all contribute to sustaining proper posture. Remember, achieving a healthy posture is a journey, not a destination.

Regular Follow-ups

A chiropractor is your ally in the journey to good posture. Regular follow-ups will ensure your progress is monitored, adjustments are made as needed, and new issues are caught early. Regular chiropractic care can thus be instrumental in maintaining optimal posture and spinal health.

Lifestyle Modifications

Besides chiropractic care, certain lifestyle modifications can help you maintain good posture. These may include ergonomic adjustments to your workspace, regular physical activity, yoga, pilates, and mindfulness about maintaining correct posture throughout the day.


  1. Can a chiropractor help with posture for all age groups? Yes, experienced chiropractors can help improve posture for people of all age groups. Whether it’s a child developing postural habits or an adult suffering from chronic posture-related pain, chiropractic care can be an effective solution.
  2. How often should I visit a chiropractor for posture issues? The frequency of visits depends on your specific condition and the chiropractor‘s treatment plan. Some might require weekly visits, while others might benefit from monthly appointments.
  3. Does chiropractic care for posture correction cause any pain? Chiropractic adjustments are generally painless. However, some discomfort might be felt, especially if the body has been in a misaligned state for a long time. The discomfort fades as your body adapts to the adjustments.
  4. Can a chiropractor help with posture-related headaches? Yes, poor posture can often lead to tension headaches due to increased muscle strain in the neck. Chiropractors can address this issue by improving your posture and providing relief from these headaches.
  5. What other health benefits can I expect from improved posture? Improved posture enhances breathing, circulation, digestion, and even boosts mood and energy levels. It reduces the risk of musculoskeletal issues and contributes to better overall health and wellness.

Make an appointment today with our chiropractic clinic in Bend for an assessment of your posture.

Close up of a female runner holding her lower back from back pain.

Chiropractic Treatment for a Herniated Disc Caused by Summer Sports

Summer is the perfect time to engage in outdoor sports and activities. Whether it’s swimming, tennis, golf, or hiking, these activities bring joy and excitement. However, the repetitive movements and high-impact nature of summer sports can sometimes lead to injuries, such as herniated discs. In this article, we will explore what herniated discs are, how they are caused by summer sports, and most importantly, how chiropractic treatment can help individuals recover and get back in the game.

Understanding Herniated Discs

A male mountain biker stopped on his bike in the woods holding his lower back from back pain.

A herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, occurs when the soft, gel-like center of a spinal disc protrudes through a weakened or damaged outer layer. This condition commonly affects the lower back (lumbar spine) and the neck (cervical spine). The symptoms of a herniated disc may vary depending on its location and severity, but they often include back pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected area.

Summer Sports and Herniated Discs

Close up of a male tennis player's backside as he holds his racquet in one hand and his lower back from back pain with the other.

Participating in summer sports involves repetitive motions, sudden twists, and impacts that can put stress on the spinal discs. Here are some common summer sports activities that can contribute to herniated discs and lower back pain:

Tennis and Golf

Both tennis and golf require repetitive rotational movements, putting strain on the spine. The powerful swings and abrupt movements involved can lead to disc herniation, particularly in the lower back.

Swimming and Diving

While swimming and diving are low-impact sports, improper technique or excessive strain on the neck during dives can result in disc herniation in the cervical spine.

Contact Sports

Summer contact sports like soccer, football, and basketball involve sudden impacts, falls, and tackles. These high-impact activities can cause herniated discs due to the immense pressure exerted on the spine.

The Role of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and holistic approach to treating herniated discs caused by summer sports injuries. Here’s how chiropractors can help:

1. Accurate Diagnosis

Chiropractors are trained to perform a thorough examination, including physical assessments, to accurately diagnose the herniated disc and determine its severity. This helps them create a personalized treatment plan using chiropractic techniques.

2. Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractors use manual spinal adjustments to realign the spine and relieve pressure on the affected disc. By gently manipulating the spine, chiropractors can reduce soft tissue and nerve pain, improve spinal mobility, and promote the natural healing process.

3. Therapeutic Exercises and Stretches

To strengthen the supporting muscles and improve flexibility, chiropractors often prescribe specific exercises and stretches tailored to the individual’s condition. These exercises can help alleviate pain and stiffness, prevent future injuries, and promote overall spinal health.

4. Additional Therapies

Chiropractors may also utilize complementary therapies such as heat or ice therapy and shockwave therapy to further alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and enhance the healing process.

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Herniated Discs

Close up of a female swimming in a swimsuit by an indoor pool holding her lower back from back pain.

Chiropractic care offers several benefits for individuals recovering from herniated discs caused by summer sports activities:

1. Non-Invasive and Drug-Free

Chiropractic treatment avoids invasive procedures and minimizes the use of pain medications, focusing on natural healing and the body’s own restorative abilities.

2. Personalized Approach

Chiropractors create personalized treatment plans based on the individual’s specific condition, ensuring targeted care and addressing the root cause of the herniated disc.

3. Pain Relief and Improved Functionality

Through spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and additional therapies, chiropractic care aims to reduce low back pain, improve spinal function, and restore mobility, allowing individuals to regain their active lifestyles.

4. Preventive Care

Chiropractic treatment not only focuses on immediate pain relief but also emphasizes preventive measures to avoid future injuries and maintain spinal health in the long term.

Keep in Alignment this Summer with Total Body Chiropractic

Summer sports are meant to be enjoyed, but they can sometimes lead to injuries like herniated discs. If you find yourself suffering from a herniated disc caused by your favorite summer activities, chiropractic care can provide effective and natural treatment options. By addressing the root cause of the condition and promoting the body’s own healing mechanisms, chiropractors can help you recover and get back to your favorite summer sports faster. Don’t let a herniated disc keep you on the sidelines – contact us at Total Body Chiropractic in Bend and take the first step towards a pain-free and active life.

Remember, prevention is key. Warm-up properly before engaging in any sports activity, use proper form and techniques, and listen to your body. Stay safe and enjoy your summer sports to the fullest!