A male tennis player on the court holding his elbow from tennis elbow pain.

A Guide to Chiropractic for Tennis Elbow: Healing the Pain and Regaining Strength

If you’re in search of an effective, non-invasive treatment for tennis elbow, chiropractic care in Bend could be your answer. This article will delve deep into chiropractic for tennis elbow, providing expert insights, evidence-based practices, and a pathway to pain relief and optimal functionality.

For sports enthusiasts, particularly tennis players, dealing with tennis elbow can be a frustrating, painful, and debilitating experience. It can drastically affect the quality of your game and even your daily life activities. The good news? There’s a promising solution in the world of chiropractic. You might be wondering, can chiropractic really help with tennis elbow? Let’s find out!

Understanding Tennis Elbow: It’s More Than Just a Sports Injury

A graphic illustration of the parts of the elbow and where tennis elbow occurs.

What is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow, medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition where the outer soft tissue of the elbow becomes painful and tender, typically as a result of overuse or repetitive strain on the forearm muscles and tendons. While the condition is common among tennis players, it can affect anyone who repeatedly uses their forearm and hand, causing stress on the elbow joint.

Here are some common causes of tennis elbow:

  1. Repetitive Movements: Engaging in repetitive motions of the wrist and arm, such as swinging a tennis racket, using a hammer, or playing certain musical instruments, can strain the tendons in the elbow, leading to tennis elbow.
  2. Overuse or Excessive Strain: Overusing the muscles and tendons of the forearm without proper rest or recovery can increase the risk of developing tennis elbow. An overuse injury can occur in various occupations that involve repetitive arm movements, such as carpentry, painting, plumbing, and cooking.
  3. Improper Technique: Using incorrect form or technique during sports or physical activities can place excessive stress on the tendons around the elbow joint, leading to inflammation and pain. This is common in tennis players who have poor stroke mechanics or use excessive wrist movement during their shots.
  4. Age and Degeneration: The risk of developing tennis elbow increases with age. As we get older, tendons become less flexible and more prone to injury. Degenerative changes in the tendons can make them more susceptible to damage, even with relatively minor repetitive movements.
  5. Lack of Conditioning: Insufficient strength and conditioning of the muscles and tendons in the forearm can contribute to the development of tennis elbow. Inadequate warm-up exercises, poor flexibility, and weak forearm muscles can put additional stress on the tendons.
  6. Other Factors: Certain factors may increase the risk of developing tennis elbow, such as obesity, smoking, and certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms to Look Out For

While pain and discomfort are common symptoms of tennis elbow, these conditions might also manifest as weakness in the forearm, difficulty in hand and wrist movements, or even as tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. You might feel a burning sensation or experience difficulty in gripping objects. Here are the common symptoms associated with tennis elbow:

  1. Elbow Pain: The primary symptom of tennis elbow is pain on the outside of the elbow. The pain may range from mild to severe and can be felt both during activities and at rest. It often starts at the bony bump on the outside of the elbow (lateral epicondyle) and may radiate down the forearm.
  2. Painful Grip: Gripping objects, such as a tennis racket, can exacerbate the pain. Activities that involve gripping, twisting, or lifting with the affected hand and forearm may cause discomfort.
  3. Weakness: Tennis elbow can lead to weakness in the affected forearm and grip. You may notice a decreased ability to grip objects firmly or perform tasks that require wrist and forearm strength.
  4. Stiffness: Some individuals with tennis elbow may experience stiffness in the elbow joint, especially after periods of inactivity or upon waking up in the morning.
  5. Pain with Repetitive Movements: Performing repetitive movements of the wrist and arm, such as typing, using tools, or playing sports, can aggravate the symptoms and cause increased pain.
  6. Pain during Wrist Extension: Pain is often felt when extending the wrist backward or lifting objects with the palm facing downward.
  7. Tenderness: The outside of the elbow may be tender to the touch. Pressing on the bony bump (lateral epicondyle) or the surrounding area can elicit pain.

What to Expect During a Chiropractic Session for Tennis Elbow

Chiropractor Bari Liebowitz working with a patient in her office.

Chiropractors primarily focus on the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, and its connection to the nervous system. By using specific, controlled forces applied to a joint, they aim to restore joint function, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation.

Chiropractic treatment for tennis elbow often involves manipulation of the affected elbow and spine, deep tissue massage, ultrasound therapy, and sometimes a combination of these techniques. The treatment aims to improve joint mobility, reduce inflammation, speed healing, and strengthen the muscles around the elbow joint.

Initial Consultation and Assessment

On your first visit, the chiropractor will take a thorough medical history and conduct a physical examination. This might involve assessing your elbow‘s motion, strength, and tenderness. They might also observe your ability to perform certain movements to understand the extent of the condition.

Treatment Plan

Based on the examination results, your chiropractor will devise a personalized treatment plan for you that may include a combination of the components below. This could include a series of chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, and rehabilitation exercises. Remember, every patient’s condition and response to treatment is unique, so your treatment plan will be customized to your specific needs.

  1. Manual Adjustments: Chiropractors may use manual adjustments or manipulations to address any misalignments or dysfunctions in the joints of the spine or other areas of the body. Although the focus of chiropractic care is typically on the spine, adjustments in the shoulder, wrist, and elbow may be performed to improve joint mobility and reduce stress on the injured tendons.
  2. Soft Tissue Techniques: Chiropractors often employ various soft tissue techniques to alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote healing in the affected area. These techniques may include massage, myofascial release, stretching exercises, and other manual therapies to target the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the elbow.
  3. Rehabilitation Exercises: Chiropractors may prescribe specific exercises to strengthen the forearm muscles and improve flexibility in the wrist and elbow. These exercises aim to rehabilitate the affected area, enhance stability, and prevent future injuries. A chiropractor will guide you on proper technique and gradually progress the exercises as your condition improves.
  4. Lifestyle Modifications and Ergonomic Advice: Chiropractors may provide recommendations on modifying certain activities or ergonomics to reduce strain and repetitive stress on the elbow. They may suggest changes in technique, posture, or equipment used during sports, work, or daily activities to help prevent recurrence of tennis elbow symptoms.
  5. Therapeutic Modalities: Chiropractors may incorporate various therapeutic modalities, such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, cold laser therapy, or heat therapy, to promote tissue healing, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain in the affected area.

How Long Before Seeing Results from Chiropractic Treatment?

Close up view of a female tennis player holding her racquet in one hand and her elbow with the other due to tennis elbow pain.

The time it takes to see positive outcomes from chiropractic treatment for tennis elbow can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the condition, individual healing rates, adherence to treatment recommendations, and the specific approach taken by the chiropractor. It’s important to understand that each person’s response to treatment is unique. In general, chiropractic treatment for tennis elbow aims to provide relief, promote healing, and restore function over a period of time.

Some tennis elbow patients may experience improvement in their symptoms after just a few chiropractic sessions, while others may require a more extended treatment plan for their tennis elbow pain. Typically, mild cases of tennis elbow may show noticeable improvement within a few weeks to a couple of months of consistent treatment. However, more severe cases may take longer to respond and require ongoing care for several months.

The frequency and duration of chiropractic visits can also influence the timeline for results. Chiropractors often develop personalized treatment plans based on the individual’s condition, and the frequency of visits may be higher initially and then gradually reduced as the symptoms improve.

It’s worth noting that chiropractic treatment for tennis elbow is often part of a comprehensive approach that may involve additional self-care measures, such as rest, ice or heat therapy, modifying activities, performing prescribed exercises, and following ergonomic recommendations. Compliance with these recommendations can contribute to the effectiveness of treatment and potentially expedite the healing process.

Visit Total Body Chiropractic in Bend Today

If tennis elbow is hampering your game or affecting your quality of life, considering chiropractic for tennis elbow could be a game-changer. It’s a holistic approach that not only aims to alleviate pain but also helps improve your overall elbow function. Contact us for an assessment and chiropractic treatment plan. It’s high time to serve an ace against your elbow pain!

Man waking up in bed and rubbing his neck due to neck pain.

Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain

Neck pain can be, well, a real “pain in the neck” — source of annoyance, frustration and even debilitation for many people. When it comes to neck pain, chiropractors often employ a combination of techniques to address the underlying causes of the pain and promote healing of this common problem. Here are some common chiropractic treatments used for neck pain:

1.    Spinal Manipulation: This technique, also known as chiropractic adjustment, involves applying controlled force to specific joints in the neck to improve mobility, reduce pain, and restore proper alignment.

2.    Mobilization: Similar to spinal manipulation, mobilization techniques aim to improve joint function and reduce pain through manual stretching and movement of the neck joints.

3.    Soft Tissue Therapy: Chiropractors may use various soft tissue techniques, such as massage therapy, trigger point therapy, or instrument-assisted therapies, to relax muscle tension and alleviate pain in the neck and surrounding areas.

4.    Therapeutic Exercises: Chiropractors often prescribe specific exercises to strengthen and stabilize the muscles supporting the neck. These exercises can help improve posture, increase flexibility, and enhance overall neck function.

5.    Ergonomic and Postural Advice: Chiropractors provide guidance on proper ergonomics and posture during daily activities to reduce strain on the neck. They may suggest adjustments to workstation setup, sleeping positions, and other habits that contribute to neck pain.

6.    Lifestyle Modifications: Chiropractors may recommend lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, stress management techniques, and healthy habits, to support overall musculoskeletal health and reduce neck pain.

It’s important to note that chiropractic care for neck pain may not be suitable for everyone. Chiropractors typically conduct a thorough examination and consider a patient’s medical history before designing a personalized treatment plan. If your neck pain is accompanied by severe symptoms like radiating pain, numbness, or weakness, it’s advisable to seek medical attention to rule out any serious underlying conditions before considering chiropractic care.

 Causes of Neck Pain

Man rubbing neck pain after a car accident.

There can be various causes of neck pain. Here are some common ones:

  • Muscle strain: Overuse or poor posture can strain the muscles in the neck, leading to pain and discomfort.
  • Poor posture: Sitting or standing in a position that places the neck in an unnatural or strained position for extended periods can contribute to neck pain.
  • Neck injuries: Accidents, such as car collisions or falls, can result in whiplash or other neck injury, causing pain and stiffness.
  • Herniated cervical disc: A herniated or bulging disc in the neck can put pressure on the nerves and cause neck pain.
  • Degenerative disc disease: As people age, the discs between the vertebrae in the neck can degenerate, leading to pain and stiffness.
  • Osteoarthritis: The breakdown of cartilage in the neck joints due to aging can result in osteoarthritis, causing neck pain and stiffness.
  • Pinched nerve: Compression or irritation of a nerve in the neck, often caused by herniated discs or bone spurs, can lead to neck pain.
  • Stress and tension: Emotional stress and tension can cause muscles in the neck to become tight and result in pain.
  • Sleeping position: Sleeping in an awkward position or using an unsupportive pillow can strain the neck and cause pain.
  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis, rheumatoid arthritis or other spinal problems can cause neck pain as a symptom.

Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain

Bend Chiropractor Bari Liebowitz performing a neck adjustment on a patient.

A neck adjustment, also known as cervical manipulation or cervical adjustment, is a technique commonly used by chiropractors to treat neck pain and related conditions. It involves applying controlled and sudden force to the joints of the cervical spine (neck) to improve mobility, reduce pain, and restore proper alignment.

During a neck adjustment, the chiropractor will use their hands or a specialized instrument to apply a quick and precise thrust to specific vertebrae in the neck region. The aim is to correct any misalignments or restrictions in the joints, known as subluxations, that may be causing pain, stiffness, or reduced range of motion.

The chiropractor will typically position the patient in a specific way to access the targeted vertebrae. They may also use various techniques, such as manual manipulation, gentle pressure, or instrument-assisted adjustments, based on the individual’s needs and preferences.

The adjustment itself often produces a popping or cracking sound, similar to the sound that occurs when you crack your knuckles. This sound is known as cavitation and is caused by the release of gas bubbles in the joint fluid when the pressure in the joint changes.

It’s worth mentioning that neck adjustments may not be suitable for everyone, especially individuals with certain medical conditions or those who are at a higher risk of complications. It’s always a good idea to discuss your concerns and medical history with a healthcare professional before undergoing any type of neck adjustment or chiropractic care.

How Do You Know if Your Neck Needs Adjustment?

A woman at a computer rubbing her neck due to muscle strain.

Determining whether your neck needs an adjustment is best left to a qualified healthcare professional, such as a chiropractor or a medical doctor. They can perform a comprehensive evaluation and provide an accurate diagnosis based on your symptoms, medical history, and physical examination. However, there are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that you could benefit from cervical spine manipulation. These include:

1.    Neck Pain: Recurrent or chronic pain in the neck area, including stiffness, soreness, or aching sensations.

2.    Reduced Range of Motion: Difficulty moving your neck fully in all directions or experiencing restrictions in your normal range of motion.

3.    Headaches: Frequent or recurring headaches that originate from the neck, known as cervicogenic headaches.

4.    Muscle Tension: Persistent muscle tightness, knots, or spasms in the neck and upper shoulder area.

5.    Radiating Pain or Numbness: Pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness that extends from the neck into the shoulders, arms, or hands.

6.    Postural Issues: Noticeable changes in your posture, such as a forward head posture or rounded shoulders, which can contribute to neck pain.

7.    Recent Trauma: If you have recently experienced a traumatic event, such as a car accident or sports injury, that could have affected your neck.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s advisable to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional will assess your condition, perform necessary tests or imaging, and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include seeing a licensed chiropractor if it’s deemed suitable for your case.

How Long Does it Take a Chiropractor to Fix Neck Pain?

Bend chiropractor Bari Liebowitz using the graston technique on the neck of a patient for neck pain. The duration of chiropractic treatment for neck pain can vary depending on several factors, including the severity and underlying cause of the pain, the individual’s overall health, their response to treatment, and their adherence to any prescribed exercises or lifestyle modifications.

In some cases, individuals may experience relief from neck pain after just a few chiropractic sessions. However, for others, especially those with chronic or more complex conditions, it may take several weeks or months of consistent treatment to achieve significant improvement.

Chiropractic treatment plans are typically individualized based on the patient’s specific needs and goals. Initially, the chiropractor will conduct a thorough physical exam, which may include a physical assessment, review of medical history, and possibly diagnostic imaging, to determine the cause of the neck pain. Based on their findings, they will develop a personalized treatment plan.

The treatment plan may involve a combination of chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy, exercises, and lifestyle recommendations. The frequency and duration of chiropractic sessions will be determined by the chiropractor and may be adjusted over time as the patient progresses.

It’s important to remember that chiropractic care aims to address the underlying causes of neck pain and promote long-term healing rather than providing quick fixes or temporary relief. Consistency with treatment, following the chiropractor‘s recommendations, and actively participating in any prescribed exercises or lifestyle changes can greatly impact the speed and effectiveness of the recovery process.

Communicating with your chiropractor about your progress, any changes in symptoms, and any concerns you may have is essential. They will be able to provide a more accurate estimate of the expected duration of effective treatment based on your specific situation.

What are the Benefits of Neck Adjustments?

A group of people doing yoga outdoors.

Neck adjustments can offer several potential benefits for individuals experiencing neck pain or related issues. The specific benefits may vary from person to person, and the effectiveness of neck adjustments can depend on various factors.

1.    Pain Relief: Neck adjustments can help reduce pain and discomfort in the neck region. By realigning the vertebrae and improving joint mobility, the pressure on nerves and surrounding tissues may be alleviated, leading to pain reduction.

2.    Improved Range of Motion: Neck adjustments can enhance the range of motion in the neck joints. If stiffness or restrictions in movement are present, adjustments may help restore normal mobility, allowing for improved flexibility and ease of movement.

3.    Reduced Muscle Tension: Neck adjustments can help relax tight and tense muscles in the neck and surrounding areas. By releasing muscle tension, individuals may experience relief from muscle spasms, knots, and associated discomfort.

4.    Headache Relief: Neck adjustments may be beneficial in addressing certain types of headaches, such as cervicogenic headaches that originate from the neck. By relieving tension and reducing nerve irritation, adjustments can potentially alleviate headache symptoms.

5.    Improved Posture: Neck adjustments can contribute to improved posture, particularly in cases where forward head posture or other postural abnormalities are present. Correcting alignment issues in the cervical spine can positively impact overall posture and reduce strain on the neck.

6.    Enhanced Nerve Function: When vertebrae are misaligned or there is pressure on the nerves, it can affect nerve function. By realigning the spine and reducing nerve irritation, neck adjustments may help improve nerve function and overall nervous system health.

7.    Complementary Treatment: Neck adjustments can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach that may include other therapies, exercises, and lifestyle modifications. They can work synergistically with other interventions to support overall healing and recovery.

It’s important to remember that while many people find neck adjustments beneficial, they may not be suitable or necessary for everyone. Each person’s situation is unique, and the best chiropractor can assess your condition, discuss the potential benefits and risks, and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. Contact us at Total Body Chiropractic in Bend, Oregon, for a chiropractic consultation of your neck pain.



Close up of a man rubbing and holding his heel from plantar fasciitis pain.

How Shockwave Therapy Can Treat Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that affects the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel to the toes. It is the most common cause of plantar heel pain and affects millions of people worldwide.

The plantar fascia acts as a shock absorber and helps to support the arch of the foot. When this tissue becomes inflamed, it can cause pain and discomfort, particularly in the heel and arch of the foot. This inflammation can occur due to a variety of factors, such as overuse, tight calf muscles, or improper footwear.

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis typically include pain and tenderness in the bottom of the foot, particularly near the heel. The pain may be worse in the morning or after periods of inactivity and may improve with rest or stretching.

Common Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

A female runner sitting and rubbing her heel from plantar fasciitis pain.

Plantar fasciitis is typically caused by repetitive strain and stress on the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. Some common causes of plantar fasciitis include:

  1. Overuse: Repetitive activities that involve running, jumping, or walking for extended periods of time can put excessive strain on the plantar fascia, leading to inflammation and pain.
  2. Foot mechanics: Poor foot mechanics, such as flat feet, high arches, or an abnormal gait, can also place extra stress on the plantar fascia and increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis.
  3. Age: Plantar fasciitis is more common in middle-aged and older adults, as the plantar fascia can become weaker and less flexible over time.
  4. Obesity: Carrying excess weight can put added pressure on the feet and increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis.
  5. Occupational factors: Jobs that require standing or walking on hard surfaces for long periods of time, such as teaching, nursing, or factory work, can increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis.
  6. Certain sports: Activities that involve running, jumping, or sudden changes in direction, such as basketball, soccer, and tennis, can also increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis.

It is important to identify and address the underlying cause of plantar fasciitis in order to effectively manage symptoms and prevent recurrence. A chiropractor can help determine the cause and treatment of plantar fasciitis and develop a personalized treatment plan to help manage your symptoms and promote healing.

How Shockwave Therapy Works on Plantar Fasciitis

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment in which your chiropractor uses a hand-held probe that produces high-energy sound waves to promote healing and reduce pain in the affected area. It works by creating micro trauma to the tissue, which stimulates the body’s natural healing response and promote the growth of new tissue. This increased blood flow helps to promote healing and reduce inflammation in the affected area. The pressure waves also help to break up scar tissue and calcium deposits that may be contributing to the pain and discomfort.

During the procedure, your chiropractor will apply a gel to the affected area and use a handheld device to deliver the shockwaves. The shockwaves are high-energy acoustic pulses that are focused on the area of tissue that is causing pain. The pulses penetrate the skin and create microscopic bubbles that expand and burst, creating a pressure wave that stimulates blood flow and the production of new tissue.

This increased blood flow helps to promote healing and reduce inflammation in the affected area. The pressure waves also help to break up scar tissue and calcium deposits that may be contributing to the pain and discomfort.

However, it is important to note that shockwave therapy is not a one-size-fits-all treatment and may not be effective for all patients with plantar fasciitis. The effectiveness of shockwave treatment can depend on factors such as the severity of the condition, the patient’s age and overall health, and the duration of symptoms.

Your chiropractor can determine if shockwave therapy is an appropriate treatment option for your individual case of plantar fasciitis. They can help you weigh the potential risks and benefits of this treatment and develop a comprehensive treatment plan to help manage your symptoms and promote healing.

Studies from clinical trials have shown that shockwave therapy can be an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis, particularly in cases where other treatments have not been successful. However, it is important to note that not everyone will respond to this treatment, and it is not suitable for everyone.

Multiple Sessions for Treating Plantar Fasciitis

A chiropractor using shockwave therapy on a man's heel for plantar fasciitis.

The length of time it takes for shockwave therapy to work on plantar fasciitis can vary from patient to patient, and depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to treatment.

In general, most patients start to experience some relief from pain within a few days to a week after their first session of shockwave therapy. However, it may take several weeks or even months of treatment to feel a significant difference.

Most patients require multiple sessions of shockwave therapy, usually spaced one to two weeks apart, to achieve the most beneficial effect. The number of sessions required will depend on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to treatment. Some patients may require as few as three to four sessions, while others may require up to 10 sessions or more.

It is important to note that shockwave therapy is just one component of a comprehensive treatment plan for plantar fasciitis, and patients may also be advised to make lifestyle modifications, such as wearing proper footwear, stretching exercises, and weight management. Pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications and other conservative measures may also be recommended to help manage symptoms.

Side Effects of Shockwave Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis

Like any medical procedure, shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis has potential risks and side effects that should be discussed with your chiropractor before undergoing treatment.

Some of the most common side effects of shockwave therapy include:

  • Pain or discomfort in the treated area: Some patients may experience mild to moderate discomfort during or after the procedure, which can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medications or ice packs.
  • Swelling, redness, or bruising: These side effects are usually mild and will typically resolve on their own within a few days to a week.
  • Numbness or tingling: Some patients may experience numbness or tingling in the treated area, which is usually temporary and will typically resolve on its own within a few hours to a few days.
  • Rarely, shockwave therapy can cause more serious side effects, such as nerve damage, tendonitis, or tissue damage. However, these complications are rare and are more likely to occur if the procedure is not performed by a qualified chiropractor.

Your chiropractor can help determine if this treatment is appropriate for you and provide guidance on how to manage any side effects that may occur.

Walking After Shockwave Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis

Runners Feet - Foot Pain - Chiropractic Treatment

Yes, you can usually walk immediately after shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis. Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that does not require any incisions or anesthesia, so most patients are able to resume their normal activities, including walking, immediately after the procedure.

However, it is common to experience some discomfort or pain in the treated area after shockwave therapy, so your chiropractor may advise you to rest and avoid high-impact activities, such as running or jumping, for a few days to a week after the procedure.

It is important to follow your chiropractor’s instructions and recommendations for post-treatment care to help ensure the best possible outcome. This may include wearing supportive shoes with custom orthotics, physical therapy, stretching exercises, and avoiding activities that may aggravate your symptoms.

It is also important to keep in mind that shockwave therapy is just one component of a comprehensive treatment plan for plantar fasciitis, and your chiropractor may recommend additional therapies or lifestyle modifications to help manage your symptoms and promote healing. Make an appointment with Total Body Chiropractic in Bend today to start shockwave treatment for your plantar fasciitis.




A senior man sitting on a sofa holding is lower back in pain.

Can a Chiropractor Help with Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a common condition that affects the intervertebral discs in the spine. It can cause chronic pain and discomfort, reduced mobility, and a decreased quality of life. While there is no cure for degenerative disc disease, there are several treatments available to manage its symptoms. One such treatment is chiropractic care. In this article, we will explore the effectiveness of chiropractic care in managing degenerative disc disease.

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

An African-Amerian woman sitting on a sofa holding her lower back in pain and grimacing.

Before we delve into how chiropractic care can help with DDD, it’s essential to understand the condition. Degenerative disc disease refers to the natural wear and tear of the intervertebral discs in the spine. These discs are located between the vertebrae and act as cushions, providing shock absorption and allowing for movement in the spine. Over time, these discs can become damaged, leading to a range of symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease can vary depending on the severity and location of the condition. Some common symptoms of DDD include:

  • Chronic pain in the neck or back
  • Pain that radiates to the arms or legs
  • Stiffness or limited mobility in the spine
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs
  • Muscle weakness

Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of degenerative disc disease. These include:

  • Aging: As we age, the discs in our spine naturally lose water content, making them less flexible and more prone to damage.
  • Trauma: Injuries to the spine, such as those sustained in a car accident or fall, can damage the intervertebral discs and lead to DDD.
  • Repetitive motion: Activities that involve repetitive bending, twisting, or lifting can put stress on the discs in the spine, leading to degeneration over time.
  • Genetics: Some people may be predisposed to developing degenerative disc disease due to genetic factors.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help with Degenerative Disc Disease?

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and drug-free approach to treating DDD. Chiropractors are trained to identify and treat problems with the musculoskeletal system, including the spine. They use a range of techniques to restore mobility, alleviate pain, and improve the overall function of the spine.

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation, also known as chiropractic adjustment, is one of the most common techniques used by chiropractors to treat degenerative disc disease. During this procedure, the chiropractor applies gentle force to the affected area of the spine, using their hands or a small instrument. This force is intended to realign the vertebrae, relieve pressure on the nerves, and improve joint mobility.

Spinal Traction or Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal traction or spinal decompression therapy is another technique used by chiropractors to treat DDD. During this procedure, the chiropractor applies a gentle, steady pull to the spine using a traction device. This traction is intended to stretch the spine, relieve pressure on the discs, and improve circulation to the affected area.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft tissue therapy is a technique used by chiropractors to treat the soft tissues surrounding the spine, including the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. This therapy may involve massage, trigger point therapy, and stretching exercises. Soft tissue therapy is intended to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and promote healing.

Exercise and Rehabilitation

Chiropractors may also recommend specific exercises and rehabilitation programs to help manage the symptoms of degenerative disc disease. These exercises may include stretching, strength training, and postural exercises. By improving strength and flexibility in the muscles supporting the spine, patients may experience less pain and improved mobility.

Does Chiropractic Care Work for Degenerative Disc Disease?

While the effectiveness of chiropractic care in managing degenerative disc disease may vary from person to person, there is evidence to suggest that it can be beneficial. In a 2018 study, researchers found that patients with degenerative disc disease who received chiropractic care reported significant improvements in pain, disability, and quality of life.

Another study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that spinal manipulation was an effective treatment for reducing pain and disability in patients with chronic lower back pain, including those with degenerative disc disease.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Degenerative Disc Disease

A chiropractor sitting working on the neck of a patient.

Chiropractic care can provide several benefits for individuals with degenerative disc disease. These include:

1. Pain Relief

Chiropractic care can provide effective pain relief for individuals with DDD. Spinal manipulation and soft tissue therapy can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pressure on the nerves, reducing pain.

2. Improved Mobility

Chiropractic care can help improve mobility by restoring proper alignment and function to the spine. Traction can also help alleviate pressure on the intervertebral discs, improving mobility.

3. Reduced Need for Medication

Chiropractic care can help reduce the need for medication to manage pain associated with DDD. This is especially important for individuals who may be at risk of developing side effects from long-term medication use.

4. Non-Invasive Treatment

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive treatment option for DDD, meaning it does not involve surgery or medication. This can be an attractive option for individuals who want to avoid these more invasive treatments.

5. Customized Treatment Plans

Chiropractors can develop customized treatment plans that are tailored to the individual needs of each patient. This can help ensure that each patient receives the most appropriate treatment for their specific symptoms and condition.

Prevention of Degenerative Disc Disease

While it may not be possible to prevent degenerative disc disease entirely, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing the condition. These may include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Excess weight can put stress on the discs in the spine, leading to degeneration over time.
  • Practicing good posture: Poor posture can put stress on the discs in the spine, leading to degeneration over time. Practicing good posture can help reduce this stress.
  • Staying active: Regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, reducing the risk of disc degeneration.
  • Avoiding repetitive motion: Activities that involve repetitive bending, twisting, or lifting can put stress on the discs in the spine, leading to degeneration over time. Avoiding these activities or taking breaks to rest and stretch can help reduce this stress.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Degenerative disc disease can be a debilitating condition that affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it. Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option that can provide effective pain relief and improved mobility for individuals with degenerative disc disease. Schedule your appointment today with Total Body Chiropractic for the relief that you’ve been looking for!


A chiropractor using shockwave therapy on the upper back of a patient for back pain.

What Does Shockwave Therapy Treat?

Almost 20% of Americans, or more than 50 million people, have chronic pain that can significantly impact their quality of life. Painkillers are often used to treat soreness and severe joint aches, but there are better alternatives. Thankfully, a cutting-edge, non-invasive treatment called shock wave therapy can offer relief without adverse health implications.

Have you ever wondered what shockwave therapy is? It is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-energy acoustic pulses to relieve pain and sore joints. Over 90% of patients report being satisfied with this form of therapy, making it a successful treatment option. Learn more about what shockwave therapy is, how it wors, and the types of pain shockwave therapy can treat below.

What is Shockwave Therapy?

If you’ve ever battled a sports injury or suffered from acute pain, you may have sought a speedy recovery process and alternatives to pain medications. One such treatment is shockwave therapy, which increases the body’s capacity to produce new tissue. By activating the injured nerves, it lessens your discomfort and reduces the intensity of your pain.

Athletes and sportspeople often opt for shockwave therapy when had a severe physical injury. However, physiotherapists often recommend it to patients suffering from pain in their soft tissues, such as plantar fasciitis, which affects the heels of the feet.

How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?

Therapists use a special device that emits electromagnetic signals through the water to produce shockwaves. A lens concentrates these signals to concentrate them on a single focal point. During the treatment, the device is kept near the damaged tissue to relieve pain.

Bone, ligaments, tendons, and other bodily parts may absorb kinetic energy when a shockwave hits your tissue, possibly breaking up and repeating the process. Shockwave therapy sessions use two levels of transmission: low energy and high energy.

Low-intensity shockwave therapy reduces pain and inflammation, which promotes tissue regeneration. Compared to high-energy shockwave therapy, which promotes rapid healing, it is more prevalent and affordable.

What Does Shockwave Therapy Treat?

Shockwave therapy has a long history of usage in the treatment of orthopedic injuries and kidney stone disintegration. Clinicians began researching shockwave therapy’s capacity to cure problems, due to its ability to regenerate tissues. Below we discuss a few types of pain and conditions that shockwave therapy treats.

Overuse and Sports Injury Recovery

Shockwave therapy is also frequently used in orthopedics and physical rehabilitation, where it can speed up the healing process for sports-related injuries. It recovers musculoskeletal problems that affect muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones by boosting the body’s healing abilities and releasing growth factors.

Shockwave therapy can also help you recover from several common injuries, including stress fractures, broken bones, Achilles tendinopathy, tennis elbow, strained hamstrings or calves, tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis.


Through altering cartilage and subchondral bone, shockwave therapy has possibilities for people with arthritis pain. It offers hope to lessen everyday discomfort and enhance functional mobility, as 58.5 million people in the US have arthritis.

The final result is that shockwave therapy can benefit a range of illnesses by boosting cellular metabolism, relieving pain, revascularization, and improving circulation.


Research indicates that shockwave therapy can enhance pain perception, overall function, and tendon healing in tendonitis disorders in addition to joint pain and tennis elbow. In one of the numerous trials, 20 out of 23 individuals demonstrated improvement in their Achilles tendinopathy symptoms.

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

Since the discovery of shockwave therapy, there have been an increasing number of applications, and scientists are constantly finding new low-energy shockwaves to aid in tissue regeneration. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy can help people with musculoskeletal conditions in the following ways:

Stimulates Blood Flow

Poor blood flow is one of the significant causes of pain. Auditory waves used in shockwave therapy cause microscopic tears in tissues that aid in the growth of new blood vessels.

As a result, the damaged area receives more blood flow, improving your body’s natural ability to heal and provide quick pain relief.


Instead of planning time for a drawn-out surgical recovery, you can carry on with your life while receiving shockwave therapy for tennis elbow, bursitis, or plantar fasciitis. Patients typically begin treatment with a two to three-session trial run by practitioners. They will assist you in evaluating if this is the best course of action for your condition if there is no change.

Injured persons can return to work or their favorite sport more quickly by combining shockwave and physical therapy. Athletes who do not require surgery for persistent pain or injuries can benefit significantly from it.

Dissolves Calcium Build-Up

Calcium buildup can frequently result from stress to your tendons. Your body’s accumulation of calcium may restrict your motion and flexibility. Moreover, the calcification of soft tissues might result in health issues, including coronary artery disease.

Shockwave therapy helps in breaking up any soft tissue calcification that is already present to assist your body in resuming its normal function. Moreover, it can increase the treated tissue’s flexibility.

Interrupts Pain Neurotransmitter

A neurotransmitter called Substance P is often how your body communicates pain signals to the brain while you’re in pain. Shockwave therapy can block the transmission of pain signals by preventing this primary pain neurotransmitter from communicating with nerve receptors in your brain. It provides more pain relief.

Relaxes Trigger Points

Your body’s trigger points are frequently areas where tension has built up, which makes the muscles around your spine stiff. Your shoulders, neck, and back may experience severe discomfort due to these trigger points. Shockwave therapy relieves pain by relieving stress in the trigger points, like a focused massage.

Promotes Collagen Production

Shockwave therapy encourages the development of new collagen, resulting in more vital tissues and quicker healing timeframes. The main protein involved in connective tissue repair is collagen. It is in charge of giving wounded tissues the requisite vigor and assistance while they recover. Collagen is produced more abundantly to replace and repair damaged tissue after an injury. This procedure aids in optimal healing and serves to limit further harm.

Book Your Appointment Today!

For patients with sports injuries, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and more, Bend Total Body Chiropractic is pleased to provide shockwave therapy. Our qualified providers are dedicated to giving top-notch care. Book an appointment to learn more about shockwave treatment and experience the pain relief you’ve been looking for.

Closeup of man from behind holding his lower back due to pain

Can a Chiropractor Fix a Herniated Disc?

A spinal disc issue is one of the leading causes of neck and lower back pain. Home remedies can help you manage its symptoms, but you may still need other treatments to help you recover fully from your physical ailment. You must see a chiropractor if you suffer from chronic back discomfort caused by a bulging or damaged disc.

So, how can chiropractic care help with your herniated disc? Chiropractic care is a healthy, non-invasive approach that seeks to treat the cause of your discomfort rather than its symptoms. It adjusts your spine to relieve pressure on the damaged nerves and cures disc protrusion using specific procedures. As a result, it reduces your pain and restores your mobility, allowing you to experience fewer side effects.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc happens when the softer inner nucleus pushes through a tear in the outer annulus. If this rupture puts pressure on a nerve, symptoms may develop. Many people seek a chiropractor to treat their symptoms because this spine-related condition can be excruciatingly painful and result in varying degrees of numbness or weakening. Sometimes, a herniated disc is also called a ruptured or slipped disc.

When a disc bulges out from the spine, it results in a herniated disc. Rubbery pads or spinal discs support your spine. Dislocation or resting against a nerve can cause discomfort and other health issues.

Herniated discs can happen for various reasons, including sports injuries, inappropriate stretching or twisting, a car accident, using the wrong lifting techniques, or aging. Regardless of the underlying cause, chiropractic care relieves the excruciating pain herniated discs produce and may even help avoid surgery or other medical procedures.

Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

Female jogger in a park holding her lower back due to pain

The position and size of the herniated disc, and the herniation itself, all influence the symptoms. You could feel no pain or a minor backache if the herniated disc isn’t pushing on a nerve. However, if pressure is placed on a nerve, the area of the body where the nerve travels may experience pain, numbness, or weakening. Usually, a lower back pain episode or a long history of intermittent low back pain precedes a herniated disc.

Lumbar Spine

Herniated lower back discs frequently cause sciatica (radiculopathy). Pain, tingling, burning, and numbness can extend from the hip to the leg and occasionally into the foot when one or more nerves that comprise the sciatic nerve are compressed. Usually, it affects only one side—the left or right.

Several people describe this discomfort as being acute and electric shock-like. Standing, moving, or staying still could make it worse. Pain frequently gets worse when you straighten the affected side leg. Low back pain can accompany leg discomfort, but with acute sciatica, the leg pain is often worse than the low back pain.

Cervical Spine

Cervical radiculopathy, or neck nerve compression, causes symptoms such as tingling or numbness in the arm or shoulder and dull or severe pain in the neck or the area between the shoulder blades. Specific neck postures or motions can worsen the pain.

Arm or Leg Pain

You may experience discomfort in your hips, thigh, and calf and lower back pain if your herniated disc is in your lower back. Your foot may also be bothering you in some areas. Your shoulder and arm will often hurt the most if you have a herniated disc in your neck. Coughing or sneezing may cause this pain to travel to your arm or leg.

Numbness or Tingling

Tingling in the body or radiating numbness from the injured nerves is a common symptom of a herniated disc.


The nerves’ supporting muscles typically deteriorate with time. This may impair your balance or make it difficult for you to lift or hold objects.

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Fix Herniated Discs?

Your chiropractor will develop your treatment strategy once they’ve determined that you’re healthy enough to receive spinal manipulation. Your needs and condition are the main focus of our services.

Here are a few techniques chiropractors employ on people with herniated discs:

Flexion-Distraction Technique

Flexion-distraction is a typical chiropractic treatment that can treat the symptoms of a herniated disc. With flexion-distraction, the spine is gently “distracted” or stretched using a specific table. By adopting a pumping pattern, the chiropractor can isolate the injured area while only gently “flexing” the spine.

This procedure usually doesn’t cause any pain. Instead, the nucleus pulposus can take up its central place in the disc by being gently pumped to the painful location using the flexion-distraction approach. Furthermore, flexion-distraction might increase the disc height.

This method can assist in separating the disc from the nerve, eventually less discomfort and inflammation in the leg.

To effectively treat herniated discs with flexion-distraction, you require additional treatments through ultrasound, physiotherapy, muscle stimulation, nutrition, and at-home remedies. Your treatment plan will gradually include instructions for specific activities and diet.

Pelvic Blocking Treatments

This technique makes use of cushioned wedges designed especially for chiropractic use. Pelvic blocking is the term used to describe a method in which your chiropractor places these wedges beneath both sides of your pelvis. As a result, they naturally pull your herniated disc away from the damaged nerve.

Pelvic blocking is a technique that treats herniated discs and other health issues like headaches and other physical problems.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression therapyv without surgery is another efficient technique that chiropractors use. They gently stretch the spine on a traction table to relieve your leg or back discomfort.

The bulging disc will migrate due to the negative pressure created by this method, relieving tension on the injured nerves and other spinal structures. Moreover, it facilitates the movement of fluids, nutrients, and oxygen that the discs require to recover more quickly. You can benefit from this treatment if you suffer from neck pain, facet joint syndrome, degenerative disc disease, damaged sciatic nerves, and disc protrusions.

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Herniated Discs

When consulting chiropractors, patients with back pain issues and herniated discs hope to feel better without undergoing invasive or expensive treatments. Severe health ailments and chronic illnesses make it impossible to use other medical therapies.

People with herniated discs often opt for chiropractic care for the following reasons:

Does Not Require Surgery

Orthopedists recommend invasive surgeries to treat a herniated disc, which could be risky because of its proximity to the spinal cord. Due to the mistake of just a few millimeters, you might become paralyzed for the short or long term, depending on the nerve damage.

Chiropractic treatment doesn’t require invasive procedures to treat herniated discs and thus is risk-free. Besides, your chiropractic doctor will not forcefully press down your disc to set it in its place. Instead, the treatment realigns discs without an excess of pressure to eradicate pain and discomfort.

Does Not Require Painkillers

Your herniated disc can cause severe pain and impair your movements, especially when standing or walking. You might consult a chiropractor for dislocated discs due to the unbearable pain and discomfort that even painkillers can’t relieve.

Over-the-counter medications have side effects that can harm your health when taken for prolonged periods. Besides, NSAIDs may reduce the intensity of the pain without treating the root cause. Chiropractic treatment for herniated discs is said to relieve pain and realign your discs, thus putting your body on the road to recovery.

Prevents Further Relapses

The primary causes of herniated discs are as follows:

  • Poor posture during rigorous physical movement
  • Excessive lifting
  • Sport injuries

Thus, the issue might recur if you don’t change your lifestyle. Therefore, a chiropractor must first diagnose the root cause of a herniated disc.

Over the course of treatment, our chiropractors will teach you to hold proper posture while standing and walking. He or she might even recommend using warm-up exercises and stretching before strenuous physical activity.

Book Your Appointment Today!

Almost 90% of herniated disc patients can recover without surgery. If you are looking for conservative rehabilitation methods, consider chiropractic treatment. It can help reduce your discomfort and promote natural healing.

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that seeks to cure the underlying cause of your pain rather than treat the symptoms. You can get pain alleviation not just where the disc protrusion is, but also all across your body by combining flexion-distraction and spinal adjustments.

Chiropractic care treats the whole body rather than separate systems. You can take care of pain that has bothered you for a long time by seeing a chiropractor. Schedule an appointment with our friendly, qualified professionals to experience the difference.

Top Ways to Reduce Pain in the Spine


Back pain is a frequent health problem. According to this study, eight out of ten Americans experience back pain at a certain point in life, typically in the lower back. You might have strained it while doing yard chores or housework. Or your back pain might be due to sports injury or a persistent illness like ankylosing spondylitis or arthritis.

You must consult a doctor or physical therapist if back pain develops or worsens. The same is true of persistent discomfort. There is no one size fits all treatment for back pain. Pain can strike anywhere in the spine or nearby muscles, and its frequency and intensity might vary considerably.

Back pain might signify physical stress that needs immediate attention because the spine is the protective covering that encases the most vital nervous system components. Back pain, if left unchecked, might result in irreversible spine or nerve damage.

Types of Pain in and Around the Spine

Woman holding her lower back with back pain.

Acute or chronic back pain can occur in any form. Acute pain typically causes symptoms that are immediate and transient. However, chronic pain keeps returning over time and might be unpredictable, making daily tasks challenging.

The more typical types of back pain are listed below:

Acute Pain

Acute pain, sometimes referred to as short-term discomfort, can persist for a day or as long as four weeks. People link acute pain to a specific incident or injury, like moving a big box, tripping, or bending improperly while doing yard chores.

Often, acute pain will disappear when the muscles recover or the swelling decreases. However, you must consult a doctor if the pain is severe or if it interferes with your daily activities.

Subacute Pain

Subacute pain might linger for four to twelve weeks. You must consult a doctor to determine if the issue will resolve on its own or if it will likely result in persistent discomfort.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain continues for more than 12 weeks. This pain can range from a sharp stabbing sensation in some situations to a chronic dull aching or a string of flare-ups. Chronic pain has a damaging effect on the psyche and can be crippling if not addressed.

Unfortunately, it can be challenging to identify the root cause of chronic pain. Chronic pain may last long after your body has healed from visible damage in some cases. Pain management becomes the main objective when you fail to identify the cause of the pain.

Top Treatment Types

Chiropractor working on the upper back of a patient.

Chronic back pain can be excruciating. Therefore, to treat severe pain, we will discuss some of the most effective treatments to reduce inflammation, muscle tension, and back pain.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy uses a traction table or other motorized equipment to stretch the spine and to relieve leg or back pain. Nonsurgical decompression therapy is the name of this procedure.

It is also a practical therapeutic choice for people who suffer from the following:

The fundamental spinal traction technique used by chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, and other qualified healthcare practitioners for many years is the same one that spinal decompression devices employ.

Decompression therapy and traction treat bulging, deteriorating, or herniated discs to reduce pain and foster the best healing environment.

Spinal decompression is a form of traction therapy used on the spine to produce theoretical advantages, such as:

  • Creating a negative intradiscal pressure to encourage disc material that has herniated or bulged to retract or realign.
  • Lowering the disc’s pressure to allow the infusion of nutrients and other elements to help the disc repair.

There are only minor side effects, such as a dull ache during the first few weeks while the spine adjusts to decompression and stretching. This therapy is generally safe and comfortable, putting the patient’s experience first.

Chiropractic Care for Bulging or Herniated Discs

A disc’s soft inner filling can occasionally swell and press on the painfully sensitive outer part of the spinal disc, causing it to bulge. Additionally, it has the potential to herniate from the shell and press against an adjacent nerve. In a herniated disc, the nucleus pushes through the annulus fibrosus.

Herniated and bulging discs can have various causes, signs, and treatments. Without proper care, unpleasant symptoms can develop when your nucleus is out of its natural place.

A chiropractor will determine its severity before starting chiropractic care for spinal issues. In addition to examining your spine’s overall health, they may also do several tests to assess your reflexes, sensation in your extremities, muscular strength or weakness, and range of motion.

A chiropractic adjustment might be able to treat your bulging disc if you’re generally healthy and don’t have any significant symptoms, underlying spinal diseases, or advanced spinal conditions. A session with a chiropractor can also help those suffering from fatigue, tension headaches, chronic shoulder pain, and muscle aches.

Chiropractic Care for Degenerative Disc Disease

The majority of those with degenerative disc disease are the elderly. It impacts their quality of life and capacity to engage in specific activities. The normal wear and tear of the spinal discs are the common causes of degenerative disc disease.

Chiropractic care is a popular choice among people with degenerative disc disease even though there are many alternative treatment options for this ailment since it can reduce release tension and spinal pain and increase spine flexibility.

These are some of the symptoms:

  • Pain that intensifies while sitting, twisting, lifting, or bending;
  • Chronic pain with periods of intense pain that could last days, weeks, or months
  • Pain that spreads to the buttocks, thighs, and backs of the legs or the arm, shoulder, and hand.
  • Back pain
  • Muscle Tension
  • Painful muscle spasms

Some people experience crippling pain from degenerative discs, which can vary in severity. Patients can choose various treatments to manage their pain and stop the spinal discs from suffering additional harm. Chiropractic care is among the best non-invasive methods for treating and assisting patients in regaining spinal function.

Chiropractic care for degenerative disc disease helps ease muscle tension, lessen spinal tissue inflammation, and increase the spine’s range of motion. Chiropractic care can also help to promote healing by reducing pressure on the spine’s discs.

Chiropractic Care for Sciatica

Sciatic nerve compression is the primary cause of sciatica. Spinal tumors, pregnancy and childbirth, herniated or bulging discs, lumbar spine subluxations, and non-spinal conditions like constipation and diabetes are among the spinal disorders known to cause sciatic nerve pain.

According to a study, more than 40% of adults get sciatica, causing muscle weakness and chronic pain. Mild1`1 sciatica pain goes on its own, but might require instant care in acute cases.

The following are some medical treatment options:

  • Pain medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Lifestyle adjustments
  • Surgery, in severe cases

The fact that you may visit a chiropractor for spinal pain surprises many people, but doing so is the most practical and quick course of action.

Chiropractors have received specialized training in the musculoskeletal system, which includes the bones, muscles, cartilage, joints, and tendons. Because of their specific training, chiropractors are the perfect choice to treat sciatica.

Furthermore, you do not need a recommendation to see a chiropractor, and insurance frequently pays for services. A chiropractor can locate the root cause of sciatica and cure it without using painkillers. The condition can have various reasons, each requiring a unique course of therapy.

Are Chiropractic Services and Spinal Decompression Therapy Effective?

Chiropractor working on the neck of a patient.

It can be challenging to believe that a non-invasive, safe, pain-free treatment exists to properly assist you in treating your chronic problems when steroid injection shots and pain medicines fail to lessen chronic back pain.

You can treat back pain effectively by using spinal decompression therapy. Unlike several chronic pain treatments, spinal decompression therapy and chiropractic services do not hurt. They are effective methods to treat pain and discomfort. Instead, the session will cause you to sense pressure and pull.

Sensors on the computerized table can identify which muscles are starting to stiffen up or resist stretching. These make it simple for the chiropractor to change the pressure applied to achieve the desired results. Most offices create a peaceful environment for their clients to make the procedure comfortable.

It takes about 30 minutes to complete one spinal decompression procedure. Most of the time, it takes more than a single session to benefit from this therapy fully.

Several studies and publications conducted over the years have proven the safety, effectiveness, and cost-efficiency of spinal decompression therapy and chiropractic services as therapies for reducing back pain and enhancing motion range.

Chiropractic care and spinal decompression therapy have demonstrated their ability to temporarily relieve pain and keep you pain-free in the long run.

Book an Appointment Today at Total Body Chiropractic

At Total Body Chiropractic, we provide a wide range of chiropractic procedures that can aid in managing chronic back pain in our patients. We use different treatments to reduce back pain, inflammation in muscles, swelling of tissues, and more.

Our treatments help reduce discomfort and make it easier for our patients to move. We have professionals who have received proper training in treating patients with chronic pain. Moreover, we ensure a comfortable and pain-free session that promises visible results. Book an appointment to treat your chronic pain today with our expert chiropractors!

Close up view of a massage therapist's hands working the lower back of a massage patient.

What is Spinal Decompression?

If you have lasting back pain that spreads to your neck or leg, you know how much it can affect your life. You might not be able to think of anything other than finding relief. Spinal decompression therapy can help you live an everyday life without pain and without depending on others to perform your daily tasks.

This therapy is a type of motorized traction that resolves back-related issues. Spinal decompression takes off the pressure from neural elements of your spine that are causing pain, cracks, and changes in the position of a disc. People with pinched nerves, sciatica, herniated disc, bulging disc, spinal stenosis, and degenerative discs can benefit from the treatment.

What Does Spinal Decompression Involve?

Illustration of herniated disc.

Spinal decompression therapy is performed on a strategically made traction table with the help of advanced technological methods. The procedure involves similar principles that chiropractors use to resolve spine issues and offer pain relief.

In this method, your expert will slowly, gently, and steadily stretch your spinal column to eliminate painful pressure on the spinal discs between your vertebrae. Health experts will use a strategic stretching action to develop negative pressure inside your discs, causing your vertebrae to retract. As a result, a reverse vacuum allows the protruding disc to return to its place.

This therapy also helps to increase blood flow to spinal discs, which allows oxygen and nutrient-rich fluids to flow inside. This treatment also promotes tissue repair, cell renewal, and long-term healing. The primary objective of this therapy is to promote an optimal healing environment and immediate pain relief for different spinal disc conditions, including but not limited to:

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc is a spinal disc that cracks and loses a small amount of its soft interior gel. It is also referred to as ruptured discs. The gel leaked from the disc can irritate nerves and creates painful, burning sensations that you can feel from your lower back to your legs. Doctors often advise spinal decompression therapy if you are experiencing this problem.

Bulging Disc

Bulging discs is when your discs move from their place and start putting pressure on the nearby nerves, causing pain in that part of your back or generating pain-like feelings in other parts of the body. If you avoid treating it, a bulging disc can lead to rupture.

Degenerative Disc

This problem occurs due to age, causes tears, and reduces fluids in the disc’s outer shell. The degenerative disc leads to painful bone spurs that affect your spinal nerves. Spinal decompression is highly effective in solving the issue.

How Long is Spinal Decompression Treatment?

To benefit from spinal decompression therapy, you must visit your doctor for around 12 to 20 sessions. Each session is spaced over the course of 4 or more weeks. Your expert will discuss how many sessions you will need to improve your condition according to the spinal decompression protocols. Each session will last for around 30 minutes.

In most cases, people get relief in the first few sessions, which allows them to return to their normal life and perform activities that they once found hard due to severe sensations and pain. However, some people might take a long time to get rid of their pain and will be at ease after completing their prescribed treatment sessions. As a result, completing your treatment is vital to ensure long term pain relief.

Benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy

Man sitting on bed with lower back pain.

Millions of people live with chronic back pain. While some healthcare providers suggest prescription drugs or invasive surgeries, many believe that non-invasive testaments like spinal decompression are more beneficial than others. Here are some health benefits of decompression therapy:

No Recovery Time

Surgeries for a herniated disc or other spinal conditions can leave patients uncomfortable and bedridden for weeks or months. After back surgery, there is no guarantee that you will get relief from back pain. Spinal decompression doesn’t require recovery time. Once you get the treatment, you can continue performing your day to day tasks without trouble.

Safe Therapy

Since it’s a non-invasive treatment, it’s safe for every age group and gender. If you are skeptical because of your age, you can discuss it with your doctors to understand whether the therapy will work for you.

Posture Improvement

While some people try to sit straight and maintain the correct posture, many still struggle. Your back becomes tired of supporting your body with an incorrect posture, which makes you slouch.

The slight slouch on the disc of your back prevents the circulation of oxygen and fluid. As a result, you begin to experience painful sensations. Spinal decompression therapy can pull up your spine and ease the pressure of your disc, giving you a straight back with no pain.


Many patients with back pain avoid consulting doctors because they do not have enough money to pay for the expensive, standard treatments for the spine. Spinal decompression has solved this problem by offering affordable treatment.

It’s a cost-effective alternative to years of medications and surgery. Additionally, you don’t also have to worry about any side effects due to medicines.

Good Night Sleep

Another benefit of spinal decompression treatment is getting a good night’s sleep. Chronic back pain can cause people to toss and turn in bed because of not feeling comfortable in any position. Relieving the pressure and adjusting your spine will allow you to rest easily on your bed.

Non-Invasive Treatment

Spinal decompression can eliminate neck and back pain without an invasive procedure. You will not have to experience any needles, incisions, or significant manipulation of the spine when you choose this therapy. In fact, spinal decompression treatment is very comfortable and helps you relax your mind and body.

Long-Term Results

Unlike standard spinal treatments, spinal decompression therapy offers long-term results. Every pull during the therapy forces nutrients into the discs, helping them rehydrate. Continuous treatment will completely heal your spinal cord and eliminate any problem present in the disc. Since your disc will be fully treated, you will not experience pain and irritation in your back in the future.

Pain-Free Therapy

One of the most significant advantages of spinal decompression treatment is that it is a pain-free therapy. The whole idea of the procedure is to deliver pain relief and reduce the health risks that could result in future complications.

Patients who undergo this treatment lie on the table. The experts will then strap you at the neck and waist to keep you fixed in one place. They will slowly use the device on your back to trigger relaxation and you will experience no pain during the process.

Is Spinal Decompression Treatment Effective?


According to research by the National Library of Medicine, 86% of patients with a ruptured disc who undergo spinal decompression therapy show remarkable improvements. They get relief from pain and unbearable sensations in the back. While traditional physical and chiropractic treatments may deliver temporary results, spinal decompression treatment has been found to deliver long-lasting relief.

Traditional procedures create a pulling sensation that triggers your spine’s sensory receptors. However, spinal decompression therapy gently and slowly elongates your spine instead of an immediate process. This helps your spine gradually improve itself over time.

This therapy of activation and rest of the spinal cord helps in natural repositioning without pressure or tension, creating a muscle-guarding response. Hence, this is a versatile treatment model that effectively helps alleviate pain, pressure, and discomfort associated with several spinal conditions.

Book a Spinal Decompression Therapy Appointment Today!

Back pain can negatively impact your quality of life. If you are suffering from a herniated disc, degenerated disc, or bulging disc, spinal decompression therapy can provide you with the relief you have been looking for. This treatment is safe and secure for every age, both men and women. Also, there are no risks associated with the treatment.

If you are ready to get rid of your back pain, contact Bend Total Body Chiropractic. We are a team of experts specializing in chiropractic services, schockwave therapy, and spinal decompression therapy. We offer quality treatments and therapies to our patients.

Our team is fully equipped with advanced technologies to deliver the best results. Being the best in the field of chiropractic, we have treated hundreds of patients successfully, and resolved many spinal conditions. Book your appointment today to start the journey to lasting pain relief!

Close up view of a woman lying in bed, holding her jaw and grimacing from TMJ disorder pain.

Can a Chiropractor Help with TMJ?

Most people suffering from TMJ do not know that a chiropractor can help with it. In the last few years, chiropractors have successfully treated TMJ dysfunction. The temporomandibular joint, otherwise known as TMJ, is the joint that lies between the temporal bone of the skull and the mandible of the jaw. This is the joint that moves whenever your jaw opens and closes.

This joint is constantly moving, whether you’re chewing, laughing, or talking. Over time, there is a possibility for this joint to encounter irritation and dysfunction, which makes TMJ a prevalent condition. This condition is the second most common musculoskeletal condition, which impacts different people uniquely.

What is TMJ?


TMJ is a hinge joint on both sides of your lower joint. This joint connects to the rest of your mouth, and unlike most hinge joints in your body, the TMJ is double-hinged. This means that it moves in all types of directions and not just up and down or side to side.

You must use your TMJ to move your jaw in every direction when chewing food. TMJ pain is joint, and once your TMJ starts to become troublesome, it can mean that you have a TMJ disorder. You can also call TMJ disorders TMD or temporomandibular disorders. TMD and jaw pain can emerge at any time.

On the other hand, it can also occur in the form of chronic pain in your jaws. Many people who suffer from TMJ disorder struggle with opening their mouths widely. It can impact your diet and lifestyle, and if you do not treat it within a specific time, it will worsen.

The signs and common symptoms of TMD include:

  • Painful clicking or grinding in your jaw
  • Locking jaw on either open and closed mouth conditions
  • Pain while talking, opening your mouth, or chewing
  • Painful clenching of the jaw
  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Ringing in your ears

While most TMD symptoms resolve in a few weeks or months, certain behaviors and harmful habits can aggravate painful conditions. These habits tend to strain neck muscles and jaw muscles.

Causes of TMJ


Several factors can cause TMJ or TMD, and some of the most common ones include misalignment of the bite. When your bite does not align properly, your TMJ has to work irregularly to chew food properly.

All of the irregular jaw movement will gradually lead to problems in the joint. Another leading cause of TMJ disorder is bruxism, another word for grinding and clenching your teeth. Chronic teeth clenching and grinding will cause excess pressure and lead to an overuse of your TMJ on either side of your mouth.

Ultimately, all the pressures and tensions from biting food too hard will strain the ligament and muscles that allow your TMJ to move. The third common cause of TMJ disorder is arthritis, which is the deterioration of your body’s bone cartilage.

This deterioration does not only affect joints, but also causes TMJ pain. Physical trauma or injury is another common cause of TMJ jaw pain. Automobile accidents or athletic injuries can be very hazardous and permanently damage internal ligaments and discs inside the TMJ.

Being able to tell that you have TMJ disorder is manageable. Headaches and ear pain are the first things you can look for to determine if someone suffers from TMJ. Popping and clicking sounds when your mouth moves can be a surefire sign that you have TMD as well. Since the TMJ is located immediately next to your ears, the muscles that attach to it spread elsewhere in your face, teeth, and neck.

Therefore, it is common to feel TMJ pain in areas of your body other than the joint itself. This is also why you can treat TMJ pain with a therapy session from the chiropractor.

Can a Chiropractor Treat TMJ?

Some joint stiffness and joint soreness can spring up due to TMJ disorders. This stiffness and soreness are not very intense in the beginning. Due to this, many people tend to ignore this type of pain or stiffness, which becomes highly problematic as time goes on. You have to pay attention to whether your symptoms are more noticeable at certain times of the day.

For instance, if you feel the pain right after you wake up, it could be because you were continuously clenching and grinding in your sleep due to TMD. A chiropractor is a trained professional who can stimulate sensitive nerve points and treat muscular stiffness with increased proficiency. It is safe to say that a chiropractor can alleviate the muscle pain and stiffness that TMJ disorders cause.

When your joints are stiff, they do not move as well. This also applies to your TMJ or the joint in your jaw. People suffering from TMD cannot open their mouths with a full range of motion. This makes eating a difficult task for the person suffering. A chiropractic session successfully opens up the joints and regains the long-lost range of motion.

Therefore, a chiropractor is a professional way to treat TMJ. In some rare situations, joint locking can occur, where you cannot move your mouth. This can be very scary and require immediate medical attention. There are a few ways in which a chiropractor can treat TMJ disorder. Chiropractic treatments include:

  • Spinal Decompression – To extend your spine, your chiropractor will utilize a pressure table or motorized equipment. A vacuum effect is created in the spinal column to retract enlarged or herniated discs that damage the sciatic nerve.
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation – By using electrical pulses, muscle contractions are initiated to relieve muscle spasms and to maintain balance and control of nerves and muscles around the head and neck. It is often used for rehabilitation and can be utilized to alleviate pain from TMJ.
  • Spinal Adjustment – Chiropractic adjustments aid in the restoration of normal alignment in the afflicted location as well as the entire spine. This therapy relieves any nerve constriction and promotes proper nervous system function.
  • Myofascial Release – This physical treatment entails applying persistent pressure to the trigger points that strain your nerves. This action relaxes constricted muscles, providing immediate pain relief. Muscle tension will improve significantly.

Your chiropractor will perform a physical examination and review your medical history during your first sessions to select the best treatment approach. They will also create a personalized treatment plan to alleviate your TMD symptoms across numerous sessions and improve jaw function.

While you may notice pain alleviation in the jaw area after the first session, it may take up to four chiropractic visits to thoroughly treat your symptoms. To avoid recurring symptoms, your treatment regimen may include at-home workouts, cold-hot compressions, massages, and lifestyle changes.

General Self-Care for TMJ/TMD


If you have experienced signs of TMD, a healthcare practitioner would recommend avoiding extreme jaw movements. This means that you should refrain from opening your mouth wide or forcefully. Yawning, singing, or yelling often requires you to open your mouth rapidly. Ensure you avoid foods that cause too much stress on the jaws.

Eat soft foods and keep away from crunchy or more complex foods. You will also benefit if you stop taking large bites and foods that require prolonged chewing before swallowing. Take notice of unhealthy habits that can exacerbate TMJ symptoms, such as chewing nails and lips and resting your jaw on your hand.

Also, be vigilant of clenching or keeping your teeth together. Be conscious of grinding your teeth and also tensing your jaw muscles. You can also trigger TMD symptoms by pushing your tongue against your teeth.

Maintain the resting position of your jaw, and place your tongue lightly on the roof of your mouth. Once you have done that, begin to say “NO” slowly. Keep your teeth apart, and relax your jaws and lips together. Another excellent self-help tip would be to keep your posture straight.

If you are sitting at a computer or desk workstation for a prolonged time, take frequent postural breaks. When driving, you can adjust your seat to the upright position, and even in leisure settings, you can sit upright and use pillows behind your back for stable support.

If you’re sitting and standing posture resembles a slump or a curve, correct it to an upright position. You have to raise your chest bone and sternum and place your shoulders back by gently pressing on the shoulder blades. When sleeping, ensure that you have good pillows that support your neck, and sleep on your back instead of on your stomach.

Book an Appointment!

Total Body Chiropractic in Bend can fully treat your TMJ. We will collaborate to create a personalized treatment plan that alleviates your pain and improves your overall well-being and health. After all, the secret to feeling healthiest is to adjust your spine. Schedule an appointment today and leverage our expert consultation and quality chiropractic care.

A close up view of an African American female runner in a gray hoodie holding her lower back due to back pain.

Can a Chiropractor Help with Sciatica?

Did you know that pain in your leg or even your foot can be linked directly to your back? Many times, this discomfort is classified as sciatica. More than 40% of people will experience this common condition. While it can resolve independently, non-invasive treatment options like chiropractic care ensure complete resolution and help prevent recurrence.

Keep reading to learn the symptoms, causes, and how chiropractic care can ease your sciatic nerve pain quickly and effectively.

What is Sciatica?


Sciatica describes the pain you experience from a pinched sciatic nerve. It represents a symptom of an underlying problem, not a condition. The sciatic is the thickest and longest nerve in the body, starting in the lower back, traveling through the hips and buttocks, and finally spanning down the back of each leg. It is responsible for sitting, standing, and other sensations.

While the sciatic nerve ends just below the knee, it branches into smaller nerves affecting the legs, feet, and toes. This connection is responsible for the radiating or shooting pain you feel in seemingly unrelated areas.

Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica pain can occur anywhere along the body’s largest nerve pathway. Most often, it only impacts one side of the body. The sciatica symptoms can vary by case. For example, some sciatica patients may feel constant pain, while others deal with intermittent episodes. The discomfort can come on suddenly or grow gradually.

If you are dealing with sciatica, you may feel mild to severe symptoms, including:

  • Numbness
  • Muscle weakness in the legs
  • Burning
  • Deep aching
  • Tingling or pins-and-needles sensation
  • Shooting pain, like an electric shock
  • Lower back pain

These symptoms may worsen after coughing, sneezing, or sitting for long periods, as it compresses the spine and can irritate the sciatic nerve. If your symptoms become severe or chronic, it is necessary to seek treatment. Left untreated, you may experience permanent nerve damage, which can cause a loss of feeling or an inability to control your bowels or bladder.

What Causes Sciatica?


Sciatica can be tied directly to irritation, inflammation, pinching, or nerve compression.

More than 90% of cases of sciatic nerve pain stem from herniated disc. Spinal discs are comprised of cartilage that cushions the vertebrae. Certain situations can cause these discs to spill or bulge out of place, where they put pressure on the nerve.

Herniated disks may also signal degenerative disc disease. As you age, the discs can lose fluid and thin out, bringing the vertebrae closer together and compressing the surrounding nerve.

You are more likely to experience sciatic pain if you are:

  • Older– Natural wear and tear on the spinal column increases the chance of bulging or herniated discs.
  • Overweight– The extra weight can put stress on your discs.
  • An active laborer– Lifting heavy objects and excessive twisting can cause nerve compression.
  • Sedentary worker– Sitting for prolonged periods can irritate the nerve roots, as with office workers and long-distance drivers.
  • Osteoarthritis– This common condition can cause bone spurs. Like herniated discs, the overgrowth of vertebral bones can press on the sciatic nerve and cause pain.
  • Diabetic– Poor glucose regulation can cause nerve damage.
  • Injured– Injuries along the spine may lead to inflammation or irritation that impacts the sciatic nerve.

Other situations, like stress, poor posture, and activity levels, can cause muscle fibers and their surrounding structures to contract. Over time, a trigger point or “knot” can form, which may pinch the sciatic nerve.

Piriformis syndrome can also irritate the sciatic nerve and cause similar pain, such as numbness and tingling from the lower back down through the feet. However, this condition results from muscle spasms in the small piriformis muscle located in the buttocks, so it is not technically a cause of sciatica.

Chiropractic Treatment of Sciatica

Chiropractic care is considered a safe and effective treatment option for sciatica. It can actually provide adequate relief for multiple forms of back pain. Your chiropractor works to fix misalignments in the spine, also known as subluxations. This process removes pressure from the spinal cord and increases your mobility, allowing you to return to the activities you enjoy pain free.

Your chiropractor can treat sciatica in a few ways:

  • Spinal adjustment– Chiropractic adjustments help restore proper alignment in the affected area and the whole spine. This therapy physically releases any nerve compression and encourages optimal nervous system function.
  • Spinal Decompression– Your chiropractor will use a traction table or another motorized device to stretch your spine. This process creates a vacuum effect in the spinal column to retract bulging or herniated discs that affect the sciatic nerve.
  • Myofascial release– This physical therapy involves sustained pressure on the trigger points pinching your nerves. This action helps relax contracted muscles for instant pain relief.
  • Electrical muscle stimulation– This treatment option sends gentle, non-painful shocks to the affected area, which helps in two ways: releasing feel-good endorphins and blocking painful nerve signals.

During your initial appointment, your sciatica chiropractor will conduct a physical examination and discuss your medical history to determine the best treatment option.

They will also build a custom schedule to treat your sciatica symptoms over multiple visits. While you may feel pain relief after the first appointment, it can take about four chiropractic appointments to resolve your sciatica symptoms completely.

Your treatment plan may also include at-home exercises, cold-hot compress, massage therapy, and lifestyle adjustments to prevent recurrent symptoms.

6 Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

Your chiropractor uses spinal manipulation and other techniques to care for the whole body, not just the affected area, so you’ll experience several additional benefits:

1. Reduced Inflammation

Chiropractic techniques can help significantly reduce swelling and inflammation in problem areas. Evidence suggests that it helps lower the production of the neuropeptides and cytokines that regulate the immune response. These elements can exacerbate the immune response, causing ongoing swelling and irritation.

Spinal adjustments can encourage blood flow to the affected site to promote healing.

2. Pain Relief

Back pain is the third most common reason for doctor visits each year. Regular chiropractic care can treat this pain and even prevent its occurrence in the first place. It helps ease tensions and misalignments within soft and hard tissues that can cause discomfort.

Additional therapies, like the Graston technique and shockwave therapy, can even restart the healing process on old injuries and uncomfortable pockets of scar tissue. It can successfully address neck pain, chronic pain, and other problems with near-immediate results. Many patients report feeling better as soon as the first visit.

3. Easier Pregnancies

About 50-80% of pregnant women deal with low back pain and sciatica symptoms. These problems often result from the added weight in the midsection. Pregnancy hormones also cause ligaments to loosen and stretch.

Chiropractic adjustments balance the pelvis, which may make labor shorter and easier. Improving posture can also offer instant relief for expectant mothers. Continuing your routine after delivery can even assist with recovery, ease pain from strange positioning during breastfeeding, and rebalance hormones.

4. Improved Posture

Spinal misalignments, especially when caused by sitting, can worsen sciatica symptoms. Even if you visit a chiropractor once to improve your posture, your body will likely return to its initial state of misalignments and discomfort.

Regular visits can train your spine to remain in its optimal position and help you hold onto your spinal adjustments longer. When your spinal cord and joints are aligned, you experience greater overall health. Unobstructed, your brain can communicate adequately with the rest of your body.

5. Affordable Treatment

Chiropractic treatment is much more affordable than traditional medical visits. More insurance companies are even starting to cover these services. If your insurance does not cover your treatment, you can use your FSA and HSA to pay for any out-of-pocket expenses. The Total Body Chiropractic staff will work to maximize your treatment plan according to your budget.

Not to mention, the treatment duration is typically shorter than more conventional methods. While you may have multiple weekly visits initially, you will shift to a bi-monthly maintenance schedule after your sciatica symptoms have greatly improved.

6. Reduces Reliance on Medication

Those with chronic pain often receive prescriptions to manage their pain. These medications can become addictive and simply mask the pain. On the other hand, chiropractic care addresses the root cause of your pain and initiates the healing process.

Book Your Appointment Today!

The chiropractors at Total Body Chiropractic & Acupuncture in Bend are fully equipped to treat your sciatica—no matter the cause. We will work together to build a custom in-office and at-home treatment plan that not only resolves your lower back pain but also boosts your overall health and wellness. After all, aligning your spine is the key to feeling your best! Schedule your appointment today.