Acupressure Massage
Acupressure Massage might sound a lot like acupuncture but in fact, the two therapies are quite different. There are no needles in acupressure massage. This therapy instead uses precise finger placement and pressure to target specific points in the body that follow meridians.
Starting with a gentle massage, your therapist will knead, press and pull your major muscles, similar to the experience of a general massage. This will relax the mind and body. She will then focus on specific acupressure points with targeted pressure. Based on the tenants of traditional Chinese medicine, this touch therapy is a gentle, approachable addition to your chiropractic care.
Acupressure Massage is an effective treatment for migraines, insomnia and all types of muscular pain. This therapy can also help with stress, anxiety, digestive issues, colds and cases of flu, arthritis, allergies, asthma, menstrual cramps, toothaches, as well as soothing pain and discomfort following a sports injury.
Total Body Chiropractic & Massage in Bend, Oregon specializes in Acupressure Massage. Call us today to make an appointment and start feeling the benefits of regular massage by a trusted, licensed massage therapist. Our massage team is knowledgeable in many types of massage. We will recommend a massage treatment program that is right for your total body health.