Massage therapy, migraine massage, neck pain. muscle pain

Can Massage Help My Migraines?

Migraines can be absolutely debilitating. Anyone who suffers from these painful, chronic headaches knows that often the only way to take the edge off is to take medicine, turn out the lights, and try to sleep it off. While there is no quick-fix cure-all for migraine sufferers, there are additional ways to address your total body health and how it affects the patterns of your migraines. Massage therapy can help.

A study performed by the University of Miami School of Medicine tested the effects of massage therapy on migraine sufferers. One group received medication and no massage therapy. The other received medication plus two 30-minute massages per week for five weeks. The massage therapy group reported fewer distress symptoms, less pain, more headache free days, fewer sleep issues, and increased serotonin levels.

So, how can massage therapy help migraine sufferers?

Ease muscle spasms and tension.

Tight muscles in the shoulders and neck are not pleasant for anyone, but they can be especially uncomfortable for migraine sufferers. A simple neck and shoulder massage can help release the tension that would otherwise radiate upwards and through the head.

Improve circulation.

Improving circulation is an important part of any pain management plan. Massage helps increase blood flow and in turn, pumps more oxygen into the blood. More oxygen generally means less muscle pain.

Regulate levels of important hormones.

Many migraine sufferers point to hormonal changes as cause of their condition. Whether its menopause or other factors causing the fluctuation, massage therapy can help address this trigger point.

Decrease pain referral.

Small, local pain points can sometimes refer to other parts of the body and trigger other issues. Massage can target these localized, very tender tissue and neuromuscular issues, release the tension, and prevent pain referral in the head.

Do you suffer from migraine headaches? Total Body Chiropractic & Massage offers several types of massage therapy that can help your pain and overall health. Let us help you come up with a plan and release you from the debilitating pain of chronic migraines.

Backpacks - Back to School - Back Pain

Check Those Backpacks! Tips for back-to-school

The kids are back to school, which means it’s time to set good, healthy habits for backpacks. Too often kids are dangerously weighted down with laptops, lunches, books, instruments and other supplies. It can be a lot of strain for their little growing bodies! Be thoughtful about the amount of weight they are carrying, teach them the best carrying posture, and you’ll avoid painful problems in the future.

Make sure it fits.

The straps should be tight enough so the backpack lies very close to the child’s back. If there is too much room between the back and the child, then it can sway from side to side or pull down on the shoulders. This can cause strain and muscle pain.

Pack smart.

Just like we shared in our blog post “Hiking Shouldn’t Hurt” you should pack the heaviest items at the bottom of a backpack. This means most of the weight you are carrying is low and close to body. This engages the core instead of straining the shoulders.

Slow down, kiddo! Let’s lift mindfully.

Teach your child not to whip the backpack up and over the shoulder. It’s easy to make this misstep when you’re in a hurry to get out the door but just like picking up other heavy items, quick motions can cause injury. Encourage your child to move slowly and use their legs when picking their pack up off the ground. Then, gradually straighten the knees, slide through the arms and shoulders.

Use both straps.

This one should be easy, but kids often need to be reminded. There’s a reason backpacks have two straps. Don’t ever sling a backpack over one shoulder, even if you’re walking a short distance. The straps work together and distribute the weight evenly across the body.

Signs to watch for? Red marks on the shoulders, aches in the neck, sore shoulders, headaches, leaning forward, and generally bad posture are all clues that your child’s backpack is causing problems.

Is your child experiencing joint or muscle pain? Total Body Chiropractic & Massage treats children of all ages and we tend to see many adolescent patients when school is in session. Long hours sitting, poor posture at desks, backpack weight, and computer/tablet time can lead to pain issues throughout the school year. Let us help your child feel better with total body chiropractic care.

graston technique - massage therapy bend or - massage therapy

Graston Technique, Explained

Soft tissue injuries can be very difficult to live with. Whether you are an athlete or not, the pain and discomfort associated with soft tissue injuries and conditions can keep you from doing the things you love. We at Total Body Chiropractic & Massage want to see you moving again and living your best life. Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician Dr. Bari Liebowitz specializes in the Graston Technique and it could be the perfect option for your optimal recovery.

So, what is the Graston Technique?

The Graston Technique is an innovative, evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. It allows clinicians to detect and effectively break down scar tissue, adhesions, restrictions, muscle spasms, and anything that might be restricting your range of motion and keeping you from the activities you love.

Your clinician will glide a series of stainless steel instruments and scrape the skin using a specialized massage technique. These instruments are nothing to be fearful of. They are rounded and not at all sharp. The technique will both identify problem areas and provide needed treatment to injured tissue. Through a cross-friction massage, your clinician will find the “gritty” areas of tissue and work to gently break them up with the stainless steel tool. This soft tissue therapy process often instigates inflammation, increased blood flow, and then in effect, healing.

Graston therapy is clinically proven to achieve faster and better outcomes for acute and chronic conditions such as Achilles Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Adhesive Capsulitis, IT Band Syndrome, Lumbar Strain and Plantar Fasciitis. When combined with a chiropractic adjustment, the effects are powerful. While it can take 6-8 sessions to completely break up the tissue, many of our patients start feeling better after their first appointment and most soft tissue injuries will improve dramatically after just 2 or 3 sessions with faster rehabilitation during the healing process through this form of instrument.

Are you experiencing lateral knee pain or discomfort while you’re running? Are you unable to sleep on your side due to a soft tissue injury? Are you experiencing chronic pain or chronic inflammation in other affected areas such as lower back pain, quadricep pain, or tennis elbow? Have you tried other things and still struggle to recover properly? Dr. Liebowitz believes so strongly in the power of the Graston Technique that we want everyone to try it! It’s time to fight against soft tissue restrictions, chronic injuries, and more to get ready for a pain-free life. Learn about our services and come in for a free consultation and a Graston soft-tissue release treatment.




SUP - Chirpractic Care - Posture

Your SUP Stance Is Important

Stand Up Paddle Boarding (SUP) is an awesome workout and a fun way to explore the lakes and rivers in Central Oregon. All you need to enjoy this popular low-impact sport is a board, a paddle, a PFD, and access to water. It’s simple and accessible to many levels of athletic ability.

You want to be thoughtful about your posture when you hop on your paddle board. To get the greatest health benefits and avoid injury or discomfort, there are a few key things to pay attention to when adjusting your stance on your paddle board. We talked with Sue Fox who leads the Stand Up Paddle Boarding program at Tumalo Creek Canoe & Kayak about her recommendations for good, healthy posture on your SUP.

Stay balanced and body gentle.

Stand Up Paddle Boarding is largely about balance, so Sue’s first rule of thumb is to pay attention to your body mechanics and do what feels best. Be kind to your body, not forceful or tense in your movements and posture. While there are a few best practices, every body is different and Sue encourages her students to make the small adjustments they need to feel comfortable.

Pay attention to foot position.

In order to move around on your stand up paddle board, you first need to establish good balance. If you are a beginner or average paddler you are likely spending your time on flat water. In this environment, you’ll want to place your feet in the middle of the paddle board with your feet parallel and at each side of the carry handle. Your toes should point to the tip of the board, not sideways as you would if you were surfing. If you are a more advanced paddler and enjoy stronger current or whitewater, you’ll need a more fluid stance and your feet will likely turn sideways.

Keep a best athletic stance.

The same mechanics hold true for Stand Up Paddle Boarding as with many other athletic activities. You want to make sure your feet are hip-width apart, your head and shoulders are relaxed, you have a slight bend at the knee, and your core is engaged. Keep your gaze at the horizon, not down at your toes.

Loose hips, no flips.

Much like kayaking, keeping loose hips is key to keeping your balance and staying on your board, not in the water. Once you’ve established balance, practice wiggling your hips slightly from side to side. Feel how stable you are when your hips are loose as opposed to tense. Don’t be afraid to move your hips while you move across the water.

Feel like you’re about to fall? Lift the eyes.

At some point you might feel like you are about to fall off your paddle board. Sue reminds her students that your body goes where your eyes go. So, when you get that sudden “oh no, I’m about to fall!” feeling, lift the eyes instead of looking down. You can also place your paddle perpendicular into the water like a tripod to help gain stability. Or, bend your knees and gently kneel to lower your center of gravity.

 Interested in learning more about achieving your healthiest SUP stance? Sign up for the Basic Skills Stand Up Paddle Board class at Tumalo Creek Canoe & Kayak this fall. Sue Fox will lead you through the basic skills you need to have a great workout and a great time on the water.

Also important: Keep your body and balance strong for your SUP adventures by incorporating chiropractic care and massage at Total Body Chiropractic & Massage in Bend, Oregon. Whether you are working through an injury, dealing with joint pain, or looking for a practitioner to help you maintain optimal health, we can help you be your best self on and off your paddle board.

sports massage - pregnancy massage - massage therapy bend oregon

The Health Benefits Of Regular Massage

Often, people think of massage as a luxurious spa treatment best enjoyed as a birthday gift or anniversary surprise. We’re here to tell you something different. The health benefits of a regular massage routine reach far beyond the realm of luxury. And when combined with chiropractic care, regular massage treatments can achieve tremendous relief from pain and injury.

Alleviate stress and anxiety.

It comes as no surprise that massage is incredibly relaxing. That positive effect can be more long-lasting than you think. The wonderful feeling you have when you leave the massage table? The stress- and anxiety-reducing benefits only get better the more regular your treatments become. When your life and work schedule seems packed and overwhelming, that standing monthly or weekly appointment with your massage therapist will force you to take a much-needed time out and enjoy a relaxing activity.

Prevent sports injuries.

At Total Body Chiropractic and Massage, we offer Sports Massage. This deep tissue massage helps prevent injuries before they happen. It also aids in recovery from workouts. By targeting muscle-tendon junctions, regular sports massage can help you increase your range of motion and get better flexibility. Our athletes love coming to Total Body Chiropractic & Massage for regular sports massage. It’s an important step to avoiding injury and sports-related pain.

Make pregnancy more comfortable.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time of life. You don’t have to suffer through it. A regular pregnancy massage routine provides postural support and helps loosen those trouble spots — the hips and low back, the neck and shoulders. It also aids in alleviating fatigue and edema and increases levels of oxytocin, the touch hormone and a pregnant woman’s best friend. Years of research conducted by midwives is showing that regular pregnancy massage during the third trimester especially leads to less pain during pregnancy and less intervention during childbirth.

Need help starting a regular massage therapy routine? We offer a variety of massage treatments and will tailor your massage plan after a careful evaluation of needs, trigger points, and imbalances. At Total Body Chiropractic & Massage, we want your total body to feel its absolute best. Regular massage therapy is a great start to achieving optimal health.

Muscle Pain - Joint Pain - Massage Therapy

Move It Or Lose It – Tips to Get Moving when You’re in Pain

When you are feeling pain, whether it’s because of chronic joint pain or a new sports injury, your body’s first reaction is to restrict. What does that mean? You tense up and stop moving. Sometimes pain is your body’s way of saying “slow down.” But in many situations, it is important to safely incorporate small, gentle movements into your daily recovery plan. While rest is an important piece of pain management, fascial restrictions and non-movement can actually build scar tissue and make your health matters worse.

Work with your chiropractor to learn safe, gentle movements.

Chiropractic care is an important piece of your pain management plan. When you come in for your appointment with Total Body Chiropractic & Massage, we will be happy to walk you through some safe, gentle exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine. Every injury or chronic condition is different and in order to get you moving safely and for optimal health, we need to see you. If you are feeling restricted because of pain, schedule a chiropractic appointment.

Stay active when you can.

While there is no one-size-fits-all movement solution for pain problems, it often feels right to choose low-impact exercise like walking or swimming. Gentle, small movements are best in most situations. Even just a short walk to the mailbox or around the block will wake up your muscles, ligaments and blood flow and get much-needed nutrition to your joints.

Use heat and foam rollers before you get moving for the day.

Pain is typically at its high point when you first wake up in the morning. This is because of the fascial restrictions you experience all night while you sleep. You feel tight, tense, and maybe have a hard time getting up out of bed at all. Try using a heating pad or if you are able, work with a foam roller or lacrosse ball when you first wake up. Again, getting nutrition flowing to your joints after periods of inactivity will help loosen soreness and tight areas.

Listen to your body.

It’s always important to listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right or the pain gets too strong, it is important to stop and take a rest. Consult your chiropractic physician to see if you are doing too much. You don’t want to tax your already stressed body. The key when you are feeling pain is always slow, gentle movement. And rest when you need it.

Are you experiencing pain and struggling to find ways to get moving? Total Body Chiropractic & Massage in Bend, Oregon specializes in chiropractic care, massage, and the Graston soft-tissue release treatment. We can help you come up with a pain-management plan and get moving again.

Graston Technique - Massage Therapy - Muscle Pain

Hiking Shouldn’t Hurt – How to take care of your body on the trail

We’re in the peak of summer in Bend, Oregon and the hiking trails in our region are the place to be. Hiking and backpacking are wonderful ways to explore surrounding lands and see areas you can’t access any other way. Hiking is also a great way to get cardio exercise and keep your dog healthy and happy, too. To keep yourself injury-free however, there are some things you should double check before leaving the trailhead. Hiking shouldn’t hurt. And a sore back or neck can put a serious damper on a glorious day on the trail.

Check your backpack.

Your backpack weight and size depends on the distance of your trip. But no matter the size or duration of your time on the trail, a poorly fitting backpack can cause big problems in your neck, back and hips. You’ll first want to get fitted. One of the biggest mistakes people make when buying a backpack is not getting it properly fitted to their torso. Also a hip belt that is too big or too small can cause major issues. Take your pack to a trusted local store to check your fitting.

 Wear supportive shoes.

We can’t stress this point enough. Your feet are your foundation for any hiking trip. If your feet are not supported correctly, your foundation can crack and cause problems throughout your entire body. When buying hiking shoes, the same rules apply as when buying running shoes. Most important? Get fitted properly at a local specialty store.

Pay attention to your posture and gait.

You know that feeling when you first hit the trail? You’re light and fancy-free and moving with purpose. It might be early in the day when the sun is low and temperatures are perfectly cool. You’re hydrated and loving life. Fast-forward a few hours and your tired legs may force your body alignment to change without you even noticing. Shoulders sag, your core loosens, and before you know it, your neck and shoulders seem to be carrying all the weight. This is not a good scenario for your upper body especially. How to solve this problem? Take a moment every 30 minutes or so to check in and return to your normal posture and gait. One quick action you can take: stop and engage your core. The strongest part of your body is also the most involved in walking movement.

Pack light.

There’s a reason we worry about kids and overstuffed backpacks. Too much weight can cause their little bodies a lot of pain. The same holds true for adult backpacks. Pack as lightly as possible. In general, put your heaviest gear closest to your back and centered (food and water), and your lightest gear away from your back and centered (extra clothing, backpacking tent).

Don’t overdo it.

There are so many miles to explore. You don’t have to travel them all in one summer. If you are going with a group, be sure to pace yourself to your own level of skill and exertion. Hiking poles are a great tool to invest in and can be very helpful if you like to pace yourself to a comfortable rhythm.

Do you have back or neck pain associated with summer hiking? Total Body Chiropractic & Massage in Bend, Oregon specializes in chiropractic care, massage, and the Graston soft-tissue release treatment. We can help you feel better and make a plan for more healthful and injury-free hiking experiences.

Cupping Therapy - Massage Therapy - Chiropractic Care Bend Oregon

8 Reasons To Try Cupping

You’ve likely heard about cupping. It’s the non-invasive health and pain-management treatment endorsed by several celebrity athletes during the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Some of the buzz comes from how people view the temporary circular marks left on the skin following a cupping treatment.  But mostly, people are talking about cupping because of its powerful health and pain management benefits. We at Total Body Chiropractic & Massage are here to tell you: Cupping is incredible and it’s time you try it.

8 Reasons To Try Cupping:

  1. Cupping is non-invasive.

If you’ve shied away from acupuncture because you are weary of needles, then cupping is a perfect treatment for you. The benefits are similar to acupuncture, but many view cupping as more gentle because there are no needles.

  1. Cupping treats a variety of ailments and conditions.

Most of our patients come to us for cupping because of athletic injuries or sore muscles. Cupping is extremely helpful as a pain management tool. But it is also helpful in treating a whole host of skin conditions, digestive issues, aging, and even anxiety and depression.

  1. Cupping is relaxing.

Much like massage or the effects of acupuncture, cupping has a relaxing effect on most patients. Your body will begin to warm and relax the moment the first cup is administered. The rest of the treatment will feel much like a deep tissue massage.

  1. Cupping is a quick and easy treatment.

A typical cupping treatment lasts less than thirty minutes. It’s quick and convenient and many patients feel comfortable scheduling a treatment on their lunch hour.

  1. Cupping is gentle and most patients report mild, if any, side effects.

Cupping is a very gentle treatment and as such, the side effects are very mild. You might experience some bruising (or circular marks) and bit of discomfort. Drinking plenty of water before and after your treatment will help with any side effects you may feel.

  1. Cupping is all-natural.

There are no medicines involved in a cupping treatment. Just you, your practitioner, and the cups. It doesn’t get much more natural than that.

  1. Cupping has been used to effectively treat pain and disease for centuries.

There’s a reason this alternative health treatment has never gone out of style. It works! The history of this effective therapy goes back thousands of years.

  1. Cupping works quickly on the body.

Many patients begin to feel the healing effects of cupping during the treatment and immediately following. The benefits last for days.

Schedule your cupping appointment with Total Body Chiropractic & Massage. We specialize in Cupping and Firecupping therapies. Complement your treatment with a Swedish or deep tissue massage. You’ll leave our office feeling better from what ails you.

Pregnancy Massage - Massage Therapy - Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy Massage and Chiropractic, Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Get comfortable with prenatal massage and chiropractic care.

There is a moment during the second trimester of pregnancy when things can start to get uncomfortable. As your baby grows, your own body structure changes in major ways. Weight shifts dramatically. You walk differently. Water retention makes your ankles feel ten times their normal size. These prenatal changes can have big effects on your level of comfort, overall health, and ease of childbirth. Pregnancy is a beautiful time of life. You don’t have to suffer through it. We can help you enjoy it.

Massage out stress. Massage in oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a pregnant woman’s best friend. Also known as the touch hormone, oxytocin helps decrease stress and move you into a relaxed state. It can also help stimulate contractions and childbirth.  This female hormone plays an important role from conception to delivery and prenatal massage is a great way to get more of it. We recommend beginning your pregnancy massage routine 6-8 weeks out from your due date. Years of research by midwives is showing that regular pregnancy massage during the third trimester especially leads to less pain during pregnancy and less intervention during childbirth.

Chiropractic care for pain relief and water retention.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is a safe, effective way to manage pain, body structure changes, posture issues, and water retention. Sciatica, low back pain, “cankles” – these are all common ailments that women experience throughout pregnancy, but especially during the second and third trimesters. Make pregnancy wellness a priority. Pregnancy does not have to be uncomfortable. Even simple treatments like kinesio tape to drain fluid out of your ankles can have tremendous effects on your overall comfort.

 Wouldn’t it be nice to lie on your belly?

If there’s one thing every pregnant woman wants to do, it’s to lie on her belly. You know what we mean if you’ve been there. As you progress through the second and third trimesters, belly sleep is a distant memory. That’s why we at Total Body Chiropractic & Massage have a special table with a drop piece that actually allows a pregnant woman to safely lie on her stomach during chiropractic treatment. Hallelujah! Of course, there are other prenatal health benefits that happen on this table. We work on problem areas and issues with many pregnant women through prenatal chiropractic care. But if you just want to try it for a minute to remember what laying on your stomach feels like, we’re okay with that too. Please note, we never use this table for massage. To avoid blood flow issues, pregnancy massage is always done side-lying.

Are you feeling uncomfortable during pregnancy? Total Body Chiropractic & Massage in Bend, Oregon specializes in prenatal massage and chiropractic care. We can help you feel your best from conception to delivery so you can enjoy this special time of life.

Runners Feet - Runners Shoes - Foot Pain - Muscle Pain

How to Choose the Right Running Shoe and Avoid Discomfort and Pain

Do you know how many miles you walk in a lifetime? The average person will walk 110,000 miles by the time they turn 80. That equates to nearly five trips around the earth! A runner will put in even more miles. That’s a lot of stress on your feet. If something is off balance with your foundation, we often see dramatic shifts elsewhere in the body. The back, neck, and glutes can all feel the painful effects of wearing the wrong shoe. If you want to stay healthy and injury-free, invest in a good pair of running shoes. How to choose the right running shoe for you:

Buy running shoes from your local running store.

Find a local specialty running store with knowledgeable staff. Buying the right running shoe is like building the right foundation for your house. You need the best materials and design to ensure that your house won’t crumble. You won’t make the best decision for your body alone behind a computer screen, or at a department store where there is no one to help you. In Bend, Oregon where Total Body Chiropractic and Massage practices, we choose FootZone for all of our running shoe needs. They are experts at fitting feet to the right shoe. And they really care about their customers. It’s not about the sale, it’s about finding you your best shoe.

Always get fitted.

You might think you know your shoe size. Maybe you’ve been wearing the same size for decades. But running shoes are more complicated than you think. It’s not just about what feels good. Get measured every time you buy a new pair of shoes. It’s also a good idea to get fitted later in the day when your feet are larger. Don’t forget to bring a pair of your own socks, as well as any inserts, like orthodics, that you use.

Be specific about your habits.

There are so many running shoe brands, models, and size variances. Choosing the right running shoe can feel overwhelming. When you get fitted, it is important that you are specific and clear about your habits. Do you walk? Are you runner? Do you run mostly on dirt trail,  asphalt, or an indoor track? Will your running shoes be used for other activities like hiking or mountain biking? Do you have any injuries like blisters, joint pain, shin splints, or tendonitis? When you choose your trusted local running store, they will narrow down the selections based on your daily habits.

Don’t buy your favorite shoe online.

You know that feeling when you find the perfect running shoe? Your feet are happy, your body is happy, and running has never felt so good. Resist the urge to order the same shoe online the next season. Manufacturers often make small changes to a shoe without renaming the model. Even a slight shift in the design can cause big problems down the road. Go to your trusted local running store and get refitted instead.

Forget about trendy or fashionable.

Just because you like the color or a shoe “looks fast” doesn’t mean it’s the right shoe for you. Don’t ever shop by price or style. Try on as many models and styles as you can. When a running shoe fits properly, you’ll love it no matter the trends.

Finally, when you find your perfect shoe, remember that they will need to be replaced every 300 to 500 miles. Make a note on your calendar so you don’t forget.

Is your body feeling out of balance from a running injury, or foot pain or discomfort? Total Body Chiropractic and Massage uses a unique combination of healing modalities for total body health. Our practitioners understand the importance of pain-free movement and active lifestyles. Learn about our services and come in for a free consultation and a Graston soft-tissue release treatment.