Tennis Elbow, Treatment for Tennis Elbow

5 Ways To Help Your Tennis Elbow Feel Better

Tennis elbow is a pain, literally. If you’ve ever felt the effects of this common condition, you know the pain can vary from nagging to debilitating. And it’s not limited to the tennis court. Tennis elbow can affect anyone who does repetitive forearm movements, making it the most common explanation for elbow pain. The good news is that there are ways to effectively treat tennis elbow and get you back to doing the things you love, pain-free.

What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow occurs when there is inflammation in the tendons of the forearm. Also known as lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow is often the result of overuse and repetitive stress. The signature symptom of tennis elbow is pain on the outside of the elbow. You can also experience poor grip strength and pain while lifting or grabbing objects.

How to help your tennis elbow feel better:

  1. Schedule an appointment with your chiropractor.

If you’re feeling pain on the outside of your elbow and it’s not getting better, get in to see your chiropractor. Tennis elbow can become a chronic issue if not attended to. Often, issues in the cervical spine, upper ribs and shoulder are contributing factors of tennis elbow. First, we’ll assess your situation, diagnose, and suggest a recovery plan. The Graston Technique is a great treatment for tennis elbow patients because of its ability to mobilize soft tissue and relieve pain quickly.

  1. Ice it

Ice is your friend. As soon as you start to feel pain, put an ice pack on the elbow for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Do this several times a day. It can also help to elevate the elbow on a pillow.

  1. Brace it and/or tape it

A counterforce brace can be extremely helpful for tennis elbow. When you come in for your chiropractic appointment, we will teach you how to correctly brace your elbow. The point of the brace is to reduce tension in the inflamed tendons by transferring force farther down the arm. Some braces come with ice pack components that allow you to ice it and brace it at the same time. Kinesio tape also works very well and can be used with or instead of bracing.

  1. Massage

Massage is a fantastic treatment for someone experiencing tennis elbow. Your massage therapist will work on trigger points to help relieve any referred tension and pain. Including massage in your recovery plan can decrease recovery time and increase comfort.

  1. Rehab exercises

While rest from pain-inducing activities is key, it is important to practice regular stretching and strengthening exercises. A stiff elbow will only add fire to the flames. Range of motion exercises will reduce stiffness and increase flexibility. When you see your chiropractor, he or she will show you the safest exercises to do during your recovery period.

 Are you struggling with elbow pain? It could be tennis elbow. Schedule an appointment with Total Body Chiropractic & Massage. We’ll take a look at your specific situation and recommend a total body plan to get you pain relief and back to enjoying your favorite sports and activities.