
Five Hip Stretches for Better Mobility

Five Hip Stretches for Better Mobility

Tight hips seem to be a common complaint whether you are an athlete, a teacher, or if you sit at a desk all day, they seem to be a consistent trouble spot for just about everyone. There are several stretches that can help with increased flexibility and relief from soreness and pain. Choosing the right stretches will depend on your flexibility, injury history, range of motion and comfort level. Knowing your limits will help ensure you avoid any injuries from stretching, so before you try these stretches, make sure you know when to stop if something isn’t feeling right. Keep in mind you don’t want to over-stretch, so start small and increase your stretches as you feel comfortable.

Piriformis Stretch

  1. Find a stable surface that you can prop your leg up on.
  2. Your opposite leg will have your foot flat on the ground and straightforward.
  3. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in your buttocks.
  4. Relax from the stretch by standing up nice and tall, taking deep breaths helps.
  5. Repeat until you get a good stretch, be slow and deliberate with stretching.
  6. This stretch can be modified in many ways. Adjust your body according to your flexibility level and make sure you don’t push your limits.

Butterfly Adductor Stretch

  1. Sit comfortably on the ground, making sure it’s even ground.
  2. Bring both feet together towards your groin, leaving your knees up to get into position.
  3. Actively push your knees towards the ground, go slow, do not push fast.
  4. Stretch is felt on the inside of your thighs and sometimes you can feel it on the outside of your thighs.
  5. Don’t be afraid to talk to your Chiropractor if you want additional input for proper positioning for knee injury prevention.

IT band and Abductor Stretch

  1. Find a strong and stable object that you can lean on – a wall or doorway works well.
  2. Cross your left leg over your right leg. You always want your feet to stay flat.
  3. Use your right arm and reach directly over your head.
  4. As you reach overhead, shift your waist out to the right side.
  5. You should feel the stretch on the outside of your hip, it is obvious once you feel it.
  6. Repeat on the other side.

Walking Hamstring Stretch

  1. To begin, start with one foot in front of the other, several inches apart.
  2. Your forward foot will maintain your heel on the ground with your toes pointed up to the sky.
  3. With both hands, reach down to touch your toes. Your opposite knee will bend as needed. Try to stay square with your body, don’t shift your torso.
  4. You should feel the back of your leg stretching.
  5. Alternate your legs by taking a step backward and switching your reach towards the opposite leg.

Hip Flexor and Adductor Stretch

  1. Kneel one leg on a soft surface and bend your other knee in front of you.
  2. Use a dowel-like stick or rod for better stability.
  3. Drive your knee forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your opposite hip and groin area.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 while changing your foot placement.